Tag: AmritaSREE

  • Parents fulfill all the desires of children without thinking about the consequences

    Parents fulfill all the desires of children without thinking about the consequences

    20-21 April, Trissur, Kerala – Bharata Yatra 2018 Amma held a two-day Brahmasthanam festival in Trissur, where the sweltering heat was only reduced by the summer’s evening rain. Despite the hot weather, the program grounds were swarming with devotees that had come to receive Amma’s blessings. As part of her offering to the city of…

  • Motherhood is not about being a lady, but to envelope the world with your love

    Motherhood is not about being a lady, but to envelope the world with your love

    7-8 March, Navi Mubai, Maharashtra – Bharata Yatra 2018   Amma held a two day program in Mumbai to celebrate the 23rd anniversary of the Brahmasthanam installation in the city.   Many dignitaries were there to welcome Amma to the city, including Jaywant Dattatrey Sutar, Mayor, Navi Mumbai; Manda Tai Mhatre, MLA, Belapur Assembly Constituency;…

  • Science and Spirituality can be integrated

    Science and Spirituality can be integrated

    2-3 March , Pune, Maharashta – Bharata Yatra 2018 After travelling across the country from Hyderabad, Amma reached Pune at around midnight. On the way, Amma stopped at Indapur. An evening meditation, bhajan set, and Prasad meal was held on a private lawn. When Amma arrived in Pune, many of the local devotees fell into…

  • Holi in Hyderabad

    Holi in Hyderabad

    28 Feb – 1 Mar , Hyderabad, Telangana – Bharata Yatra 2018 Amma arrived in Hyderabad just before midnight to a crowd of devotees that had gathered to welcome her. The next morning, Irrigation Minister, T. Harish Rao, and Special Advisor to the State Government, S. Venugopalachary, were to meet Amma on her first day…

  • We have to turn inward for inspiration

    We have to turn inward for inspiration

    24-25 February, Bengaluru, Karnataka – Bharata Yatra 2018 Despite the fact that Amma reached Bengaluru in the early hours of the morning, a group of devotees were patiently waiting there with tears in their eyes to greet her. On the day of the program, Amma was welcomed to the stage with Vedic chants performed by…

  • Only when joy and sharing come, will our efforts become complete

    Only when joy and sharing come, will our efforts become complete

    29-30 April, Trissur, Kerala – Bharata Yatra 2017 After Kochi, Amma held a two days brahmastahanm festival in Trissur. Amma was welcomed with PanchariMelam and Raman, the elephant was there. Dr. Mar Aprem Mooken Metropolitan, the head of India’s Assyrian Church of the East, came to see Amma. After having Amma’s darshan, His Grace said,…

  • Amma ensures our entrance to heaven

    27 Sep 2012, Amritapuri – Amma’s 59th Birthday celebrations AmritaSREE Suraksha Insurance program Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan, Honorable Minister for Home Affairs, handed over 21 claims settled according to the Amrita Sree Suraksha Insurance Program. The members of AmritaSree & AmritaSREE LIC Surakha project will receive financial assistance (Rs 40,000 in natural death, RS 85,000 in accidental…

  • 101 Self Help Groups Given Capital

    101 Self Help Groups Given Capital

    Part of Ashram’s Fight Against Farmer Suicide5 February 2008 — Amritapuri Working capital was distributed to 101 women’s self-help groups as part of the Ashram’s Amrita Self-Reliance Employment & Empowerment Program (Amrita SREE). Amrita SREE is part of the Ashram’s multi-pronged effort to fight suicide amongst farmers in India. The capital was distributed by Opposition…