Tag: AmritaSREE

  • Amma to chair C20 of G20 summit

    Amma to chair C20 of G20 summit

    The C20 is its platform for civil society organizations to bring forth non-government and non-business voices to the G20 leaders.

  • AmritaSREE enters 17th year; ₹85 crore financial aid for COVID-19 relief

    AmritaSREE enters 17th year; ₹85 crore financial aid for COVID-19 relief

    Take up the reins of your life firmly in your own hands and move forward. This is the role model we should follow. Even though those people did not have much, they had the attitude to contribute

  • We begin to grow when we give more than we take

    We begin to grow when we give more than we take

    We receive what we give selflesslessly. We should see divinity in all living beings and love and serve them.

  • If we awaken divine qualities within, the path to immortality will be wide open

    If we awaken divine qualities within, the path to immortality will be wide open

    The villagers of Ettimadai and members of the Baduga communities danced for hours during darshan. The entire venue was filled with blissfully dancing devotees.

  • The light of Amma’s Love in the shadow of  Arunachala

    The light of Amma’s Love in the shadow of Arunachala

    This universe keeps flowing, following its own rhythm, harmony and tune. Thus, human beings need to chart the path of their lives according to the tune and rhythm of nature.

  • A sea of humanity comprising

    A sea of humanity comprising

    The Amrita SREE movement of SHGs seeks to empower women,by making them self-reliant.

  • We are not individual islands but links of a common chain

    We are not individual islands but links of a common chain

    There is a rhythm to everything in creation, an undeniable relationship between the entire universe and every living creature within it. The universe is like a vast interconnected network.

  • Without wasting time try to do as much good as possible

    Without wasting time try to do as much good as possible

    11-12 March, Kannur Brahmasthanam Festival, Kerala – Bharata Yatra 2019 After several weeks spent in the states of Karnataka, Andra Pradesh and Maharashtra, Amma finally made it back to Kerala and had her first program back in the north of the state in Kannur. Amma held two days of a Brahmasthanam festival there. From the…

  • See hardships in life as stepping stones to success

    See hardships in life as stepping stones to success

    21-22 Jan, Madurai Brahmasthanam Festival, Tamil Nadu – Bharata Yatra 2019 Amma reached Madurai at 2 am after a long drive from Tiruvananthapuram. That same day, at 11 am she took the stage to begin the 2-day Brahmasthanam temple festival. Amma was welcomed to Madurai by several dignitaries including State Revenue Minister RB Udhayakumar, as…

  • Strive to make the world an even more beautiful place

    Strive to make the world an even more beautiful place

    18-19 Jan, Brahmasthanam Festival, Tiruvananthapuram, Kerala – Bharata yatra 2019 Amma began her 2019 Bharata Yatra with programmes in Tiruvananthapuram. Amma was welcomed to the region and lauded by many dignitaries, including Sri O.Rajagopal MLA; Sri V.S.Sivakumar, MLA; Amritakeerti Puraskar winner and acclaimed writer Sri Narayana Kurup; and Sri Babu Chandran Nair, DIG of BSF.…