Category: Cultural

  • Programme in Kanazawa Buddhist Temple

    Programme in Kanazawa Buddhist Temple

    30 Oct 2015, Ishikawa The public program in Ishikawa Prefecture was held in the Koya-san Shingon-shu Daiohji Temple. The temple was originally built 1300 years ago, and was restored in 1745 after a damaging fire. The program started with a Buddhist Sutra chanted by the female head monk. Swami Poornamritananda gave a spiritual talk about…

  • Vijaya Raksha: A movement for Respecting women on Navaratri

    Vijaya Raksha: A movement for Respecting women on Navaratri

    Students of Amrita University are using this year’s Navaratri festival to launch an initiative designed to make respect for women‬ and girls‬ both cool and a matter of personal pride. Named as Vijaya Raksha, started with the blessings of Amma, the campaign aims to bring a social change through a religious festival. It is initiated…

  • Muthukulam Sreedharan presented with 2015 Amrita Keerti Puraskar

    Muthukulam Sreedharan presented with 2015 Amrita Keerti Puraskar

    27 September 2015, Amritapuri, Amritavarsham Amma’s 62 Birthday celebrations Sri. Muthukulam Sreedharan was presented with this year’s Amrita Keerti Puraskarby the Honourable Governor of Kerala, former Chief Justice of India, Sri. P. Sathasivam on as part of Amma’s 62nd Birthday Celebrations. Sri. Mutukulam Sreedharan has been immersed in Sanskrit his entire life. His first major…

  • India’s Independence Day celebrations by AYUDH

    India’s Independence Day celebrations by AYUDH

    15 August 2015 AYUDH Amritapuri performed the play ‘Bharat Mata Puja 2015’ in the main hall, while Amma was giving darshan. This night play was in connection with India’s Independent day celebrations. The play was based on the un-sung heroes of the freedom struggle. After the 40 minutes of play, the hall reverberated with the…

  • Homage to the ancestors – more than a thanks giving

    Homage to the ancestors – more than a thanks giving

    14 August 2015, Amritapuri A mass ceremony was conducted at Amritapuri this morning. Vavu Bali, as it is locally known, is a traditional ritual where oblations are offered to departed ancestors. The ceremony is performed on Amavasi (new moon) in the Hindu month of Karkidaka. About 1500 devotees personally participated in this special Yagna, joined…

  • ‘RespAct’ Project against Cyber Bullying

    ‘RespAct’ Project against Cyber Bullying

    One of the main projects launched by AYUDH Europe during their 11th Youth Summit was the ‘RespAct’ project against (cyber) mobbing in schools. To ‘kick-start’ the initiative, on Monday 13th July, all 250 AYUDH members visited the Theodor Litt Schule, a middle school with 500 students in the town of Michelstadt in Germany. The school…

  • “Together We Can” – AYUDH’s 11th European Union Youth Initiative

    “Together We Can” – AYUDH’s 11th European Union Youth Initiative

    AYUDH Europe’s annual Youth Summit at M.A Center Germany was a grand event, marking the genesis of its second decade. The initiative is growing stronger in spirits and strength with each passing year. This year AYUDH saw nearly three hundred participants from twenty-three countries take part in the week long retreat, themed ‘Together We Can’.…

  • Brahmasthanam Temple Consecration at Manjeri

    Brahmasthanam Temple Consecration at Manjeri

    23-24 April, Manjeri, Kerala – Bharata Yatra 2015 Amma consecrated the 22nd Brahmasthanam Temple in Manjeri, Kerala on 23 April 2015. The first temple was consecrated in Kodungallur, Kerala in 1987. ( see the list of temples) Amma reached Manjeri on early on the 22nd after her Singapore, Malaysia, Australia yatra. Thousands had come to…

  • Amrita Keerti Puraskar to S Rameshan Nair

    27 Sep 2014, Amritapuri Amritavarsham Amma’s Birthday Celebrations Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy presenting Amritakeerti Puraskar to devotional poet S Rameshan Nair in the presence of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi on the occasion of Amritavarsham 61. S. Ramesan Nair is a devotional poet, playwright, lyricist and as a translator and commentator upon classical Indian literature such…

  • Ramesan Nair to receive Amritakeerthi Puraskar for 2014

    Amritapuri: This year’s Amrita Keerthi Puraskar will be bestowed upon renowned litterateur S. Ramesan Nair. The award will be presented on September 27th, 2014, in Amritapuri, during Amma’s 61st Birthday Celebrations. The Amritakeerthi Puraskar is awarded annually since 2001 to eminent personalities for making outstanding contributions in the fields of spirituality, philosophy, culture and literature.…