Category: Around Amma 2017
You are the Ambassador of Love and Peace in the world
6-8 November Toulon, France – Europe Yatra 2017 Attendees to Amma’s programs at the Zenith Omega stadium in Toulon, Southern France once again packed the arena for three days straight. There was a special ceremony in celebration of Amma’s 30th anniversary of visiting Europe, and 20th anniversary of visiting Southern France. During the ceremony, Amma…
The light of your love, may it burn forever brightly in our hearts
2-4 November, Hof Herrenberg, MA Center, Germany – Europe Yatra 2017 The 2017 Europe Tour started with Amma’s 3-day program at her center in Hof Herrenberg, Brombachtal, Germany. This is the 30th consecutive year that Amma has visited Germany. Amma’s children from different parts of Germany and all over Europe flocked to Brombachtal to participate…
Diwali is a reminder to invoke the divine within our heart
17 & 18 October 2017 Diwali celebrations in AmritapuriDiwali was celebrated throughout Amritapuri in many ways. In the morning, as Amma made her way to the stage for the day’s darshan, she was welcomed by a group of Amma’s children from Tamil Nadu, dressed in beautiful attire and holding diyas (lamps) in their hands. They chanted…
Amritavarsham64 – Amma’s birthday celebrations
9 October 2017, Amritapuri – Amritavarsham64 Monday marked the 64th birthday of Amma. The celebrations focused on extending the breadth and depth of the charitable initiatives of her ashram, the Mata Amritanandamayi Math (MAM), in areas such education, sanitation, housing and healthcare for the economically challenged. “Amma is not interested in celebrating her birthday,” said…
I feel like a squirrel: Lakshmi Kumari on receiving Amrita Keerti
October 9, 2017, AmritaVarsham 64, Amritapuri Ashram In conjunction with the 64th birthday celebrations, the 2017 Amrita Keerti Puraskar was bestowed upon Dr. M. Lakshmi Kumari for her noteworthy contributions to education about Sanatana Dharma. She was presented the AmritaKeerti Puraskar by Jual Oram, Union Minister for Tribal Affairs in Amma’s presence. Accepting the puraskar…
$95 million worth free medical care to 4.33 million patients at Amrita Hospital
8 October 2017, Amritapuri – Amritavarsham64 The President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind, present certificates for totally free surgeries at Amrita Hospital to five onstage beneficiaries. These five individuals were representative of 1,940 economically challenged people receiving such certificates — including 200 recipients of heart surgeries, 70 of neuro surgeries, 20 of kidney transplants,…
President launches MAM’s 100 Cr clean drinking water project for 5,000 villages
Honourable President of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind inaugurated a new charitable initiative through which MAM aims to provide filtration for clean drinking water to the villagers of India.