$95 million worth free medical care to 4.33 million patients at Amrita Hospital

8 October 2017, Amritapuri – Amritavarsham64 

The President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind, present certificates for totally free surgeries at Amrita Hospital to five onstage beneficiaries. These five individuals were representative of 1,940 economically challenged people receiving such certificates — including 200 recipients of heart surgeries, 70 of neuro surgeries, 20 of kidney transplants, 50 of head-and-neck surgeries, 50 of major gastrointestinal surgeries, 50 of urological and nephrological surgeries, 500 of dialysis treatments and 1,000 of cancer treatments.

Since the inception of the Amrita Hospital in Kochi and the allied medical institutions of the Mata Amritanandamayi Math have provided totally free medical care to more than 4.33 million patients. During that time, we have provided more than $95 million in charitable care has been provided.


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