I feel like a squirrel: Lakshmi Kumari on receiving Amrita Keerti

October 9, 2017, AmritaVarsham 64, Amritapuri Ashram
In conjunction with the 64th birthday celebrations, the 2017 Amrita Keerti Puraskar was bestowed upon Dr. M. Lakshmi Kumari for her noteworthy contributions to education about Sanatana Dharma. She was presented the AmritaKeerti Puraskar by Jual Oram, Union Minister for Tribal Affairs in Amma’s presence. 

Accepting the puraskar on behalf of women everywhere, Lakshmi Kumari said:

“I feel like a squirrel who took part in the Rama Setu construction and got Sri Ram’s blessings as his reward. Amma who is initiating great Dharmik undertakings; like a squirrel of Sri Rama’s, I am also transporting some grain particles in those projects. Amma has recognised the grains which I have brought. This is the fulfillment of my life.”

“The droplets of love which I have received from people all over, inside and outside the country, have become consolidated as the Ganga of Amrita Keerti and has fallen towards me from our beloved Amma’s hand. How can I offer thanks for that? What we can offer to Amma on her birthday is to transform ourself as “deva karya samudyata” — participants in the great work she is doing, imbibing her spirit, dedicating yourself for the work of Truth and Dharma.”

Dr. M. Lakshmi Kumari has dedicated her entire life to service of society after finishing her higher studies. She is currently serving as Chairman of Vivekananda Kendra Vedic Vision Foundation. Dr. Lakshmi Kumari has undertaken the task of spreading Swami Vivekananda’s messages and philosophical thought, the strength of ancient India’s perspectives that ensued from direct experience, and the extent of its triumph in the world. As such, her work has been successful in raising the stature of Swami Vivekananda among contemporaries and youth.

Dr. Lakshmi Kumari has served as President of Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari. Motivated by Sister Nivedita’s women’s welfare principles, Dr. Lakshmi Kumari has devoted herself to the uplift of Indian culture and the ancient spiritual tradition of India.

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