26 Jan, Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu – Bharata Yatra 2020
After the Madurai Brahmasthanam Festival, Amma reached the holy city of Trivannamalai around 1:00 am. Amma stayed in the newly built ashram on the outskirts of the city.
This is the 3rd time Amma has been to Tiruvannamalai. The first time Amma came was back in 1982 {news }.
Amma was welcomed by a huge crowd waiting to be in her arms, including many spiritual leaders, political figures, and businessmen who came to honor and pay their respects. The dignitaries included the District Collector, as well as other state and local officials, and officials from Ramanashram and other ashrams in the vicinity.
The program was held outdoors in full view of Arunachala, the mountain worshipped as Lord Shiva. A picture of the sacred mountain also formed the backdrop of the stage.
Speaking on the occasion, Amma said, “Humankind’s misunderstandings, misplaced ideas, and the indiscriminate actions that arise from poor priorities, have made the earth and environment what they are today. What is surprising, is that in spite of all the hardships we have undergone, there’s still no change in our perspective or behaviour.
“This universe keeps flowing, following its own rhythm, harmony and tune. Thus, human beings need to chart the path of their lives according to the tune and rhythm of nature. Otherwise, life will automatically become a battle. When we exclusively chase sense pleasure, we won’t be able to attune to our inner self. The human body is just a single aspect of our existence. The ultimate truth of life is the self – our true essence. Its dwelling place is within. To realise this, we need to develop a spiritual perspective, do spiritual practices, and perform good actions. Many people think spirituality is just, ‘an outlook’ or ‘a way of life,’ but spirituality is more than that. It is a deep inquiry into our true self,” she said.
During the opening ceremonies, Amma gave away 10 sewing machines to local individuals in need. Amma also presented new saris to AmritaSREE self-help group members.
The well known spiritual teacher Mooji also came for darshan, and took the time to share his perspective. “I know that only the power of God can give what She is giving. The work that She does in this world is irrefutable, the quality of Her presence and the Love that She gives—it was beautiful to observe. I come to show that quiet respect from my heart for Her. She is lovely and I love her very much. We were not expecting to get so close with so many here. Grace brought everything together.”
Amma gave satsang, sang bhajans, and led all in meditation and prayers for world peace. During the programs, Amrita Vidyalayam students presented different cultural programs.
Amma’s darshan went throughout the night, continuously until 9:50 am the next morning, irrespective of the temperature dropping to 18 degrees. The light of Amma’s love against the backdrop of the silhouette of the holy mountain Arunachala, the Lord personified both in human form and in the divine expression of nature, will remain as an unforgettable experience for all those who were there.