Without wasting time try to do as much good as possible

11-12 March, Kannur Brahmasthanam Festival, Kerala – Bharata Yatra 2019

After several weeks spent in the states of Karnataka, Andra Pradesh and Maharashtra, Amma finally made it back to Kerala and had her first program back in the north of the state in Kannur. Amma held two days of a Brahmasthanam festival there.

From the big city atmosphere programs of Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, etc; coming back to Kerala, the programs took on a more rural feel and village atmosphere. The Kannur ashram is set back far from the main road down a small lane. Each day Amma descended to the stage via a long ramp passing through the branches of jackfruit, mango and cashew nut trees.

Amma was welcomed to Kannur by the famous writer, T Padmanabhan, who helped distribute saplings to local AYUDH members promoting the ‘Nalpamaram Natinnu Nalvaram’ നാല്പാമരം നാടിന്നു നൽവരം” project to plant medicinal trees in temples and ‘Kavu’ (sacred groves). Saris were also distributed for AmritaSREE self help group members.

Throughout the two days of programs, Amma gave Satsang, sang bhajans, gave darshan to everyone and lead all meditation. Speaking on the occasion, Amma said, “In the infinite span of time, each of our lives is like a tiny bubble. It may pop any time. Our next breath may be our last. Even the next moment is not in our hands. If we learn to live in the present moment, we can be happy no matter what happens. Let us try to live in the moment with an awareness of each thought, word and action. Without wasting time on insignificant interpersonal conflicts, we should try to do as much good as possible. In life, things rarely happen according to our plan. When our plans go astray, the only way to maintain peace and move forward is to surrender to divine will. ”

During darshan, local Amrita Vidyalayam children performed various dances and dramas that they had obviously worked very hard to prepare.

At the end of darshan Amma honored local devotees who teach ‘Bala Samkruti’ classes, imparting spiritual and cultural values to local children.

After the final person was embraced, Amma and the tour group continued south to Palakkad for the next stop on the tour.


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