• The children’s stage

    13 – 18 October 2000, Munich and Bonn After Zurich Amma’s next two stops were in Germany. Three days in Munich, and two days in Bonn. It was the turn of Amma’s German children to enjoy Her presence and the showers of love and attention that She was offering. The Munich programmes were a treat…

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  • Scripture classes

    When Amma leaves for Her world tours, the ashram continues to be a hub of activity. Recently a brilliant, visiting lecturer, Swami Anubhavananda, conducted classes at the ashram. Mixing humour and dramatic language, his talks inspired profound reflection. He gave lectures on Srimad Bhagavad Gita and on ‘Panchadasi’ a Vedantic text. He spoke for four…

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  • bring God into our hands, our tongue and our hearts

    (from Amma’s benedictory address delivered on the occasion of her 44th birthday celebration) Countless people of different natures come to Mother. Many of them have family problems, most of which are related to trivial matters. If only we had a little patience, many problems could be solved or avoided. One day a couple came to Mother.…

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  • Good actions bring good results, bad actions bring bad results

    (From Amma’s benedictory address delivered on the occasion of her 44th birthday celebration) It is said that our life should be like an eye, for the eye has the ability to adjust its power of vision. Whether the object is far away or nearby, the eye adjusts itself in order to get a clear view. So…

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  • Roses and Thorns

    9 – 11 October 2000, Zurich After leaving Helsinki, Mother reached Zurich on Sunday evening, October 8. Her stop in Switzerland was for 3 days. The programs were held in Dietikon one of Zurich’s suburbs and the hall was near the main highway to Bern, making it easy to reach from other cities in Europe.…

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  • Deepavali – the festival of Lights : the legends, story and the message of Diwali

    Deepavali – the festival of Lights : the legends, story and the message of Diwali

    India is a land of festivals where you will see at least one major festival each month. Deepavali (or Diwali) which literally means “rows of lamps” is one of the four main festivals of India. Throughout the world, all Hindus celebrate Deepavali or Diwali with great pomp and enthusiasm. The celebration of Diwali lasts six…

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  • Patience leads to Love

    6 – 7 October 2000, Helsinki, We were a total of 40 devotees receiving Amma at the airport. When She arrived, She gave us a long beautiful darshan. Although all the travelling group was tired after 48 hours of travel, Amma was fresh like a rose – as always. We felt Amma’s visit this year…

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  • Darshan to the Snakes

    4 October 2000, Colombo En route to Finland, the first stop before the European portion of Mother’s winter tour was a layover in Colombo, Sri Lanka. That’s where the snakes had darshan!The members of the tour group had gathered at the beach and were waiting for Amma to come to meditate with Her, when suddenly…

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  • ‘What time will She arrive?’

    30 September 2000, Amritapuri Amma’s plane from Dubai was due to land in Trivandrum at 3:30 p.m., we calculate that it will take three hours for Her to arrive at the ashram, that is, by 6:30 p.m. Just to be sure, residents start lining up by 4 p.m.! At 5 p.m. they begin to chant…

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  • Reports of the celebration

    Reports of the celebration

    On the evening of the 18th there was a talk by Swami Poornamritananda, which was followed by a soul stirring bhajans led by Amma. The devotional singing by the famous Hindustani singer Anup Jalota at 10 p.m. transported the devotees into heights of devotional ecstasy On the morning of the 19th, at 5 a.m. there…

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