• Shower of Love in the Arabian desert

    26th of September, 2000 “Should Amma go to Dubai? Is it really necessary? Isn’t it dangerous to go to a country where there is no religious freedom?” These were some of the doubts and questions expressed by the devotees when they heard about Amma’s decision to go to Dubai. Amma’s parents were also extremely concerned…

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  • Amma in Dubai

    26th of September, 2000 Welcome Speech by Sheik Ahmed Lutfi, Director Finance Ministry, Dubai “Dear friends, I am immensely delighted to welcome Her Holiness Mata Amritanandamayi Devi to Dubai. Amma has demonstrated by Her very life that human hearts can be won by pure and selfless love. If only all humanity can have this attitude…

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  • Darshan in mid air

    26th of September, 2000 Scene 1: The stage of this drama is set in mid air, inside the aircraft. The Air India flight to Dubai has just taken off. The flight attendants are preparing to serve the passengers soft drinks. Suddenly, all the passengers get up from their seats, one by one, and move towards…

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  • She just won’t leave!

    24 September 2000, Amritapuri Amma’s last scheduled darshan at the ashram for the next two months. Crowds of devotees, eager to have Amma’s darshan before Her long absence, have been arriving in the ashram since the previous night. By 11 a.m. the temple is packed to capacity. Amma comes at 11:15 a.m., bows to the…

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  • She did what She always does

    20 September 2000, Amritapuri, Amma’s Birthday When there are fifty thousand or more devotees in Amritapuri to celebrate Amma’s birthday, ‘living with Amma’ has a new meaning. It no longer means you sit with Her for meditation and satsang in the morning, as normally happens three days a week; nor does it mean you sit…

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  • Living with Amma – Away

    When there are fifty thousand or more devotees in Amritapuri to celebrate Amma’s birthday, “living with Amma” has a new meaning. It no longer means you sit with Her for meditation and satsang in the morning, as normally happens three days a week; nor does it mean you sit quietly in the temple, a yard…

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  • Rejoice and make others rejoice

    Rejoice and make others rejoice

    The birthday of Amma was celebrated around the world, with the message of spirituality, love and selfless service being proclaimed far and wide. The Amritapuri ashram became an ocean of humanity, bubbling with enthusiasm when tens of thousands of devotees from every part of the country and abroad poured in to participate in the birthday…

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  • Legend of Alappad Panchayat

    Sthala Puranas of Bharat Shiva, Parvati & Subrahmanya: A Legend of Alappad Panchayat In the Alappad Panchayat1, district of Kollam, Kerala state, South India, there is a small village named Parayakadavu. This village lies amidst an endless expanse of coconut palms stretching along a narrow peninsula separated from the mainland to the east by an…

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  • Boat Race: The Jayanthi Jalotsovam

    The villages of Vallikavu and Parayakadavu were transported into a grand mood of gaiety and festivity when the Amritamayi Jalotsov boat race was celebrated to commemorate the birthday of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi. On Monday, 18th September, the race was held for the third consecutive year on the Kayamkulam backwaters. Vallam Kali (water festival) is a…

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  • What is Kali Puja

    What is Kali Puja

    Kali Pujas take place on the veranda of the Kalari at Amritapuri, which is prepared with exquisitely coloured drawings, made with coloured powders. The diagram represents the peetham (seat) of the goddess who is symbolically present in the form of a tall lamp standing in the centre. Kali is the compassionate Mother in Her fierce…

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