Tag: Guru

  • Disciple is born when disciplehood is awakened

    Disciple is born when disciplehood is awakened

    When one can welcome the guru’s teaching with an open heart and accept it without a trace of doubt that one becomes a real disciple.

  • Meeting of the oldest and the Divine: Swami Sivananda meets Amma

    Meeting of the oldest and the Divine: Swami Sivananda meets Amma

    Not every day that we get to meet someone who has been on this earth for 127 years. Swami Sivananda’s visit was a moment of grace and a reminder that love and devotion know no age.

  • The Guru never wants the disciple to remain a disciple.

    The Guru never wants the disciple to remain a disciple.

    Surrender is nothing but giving up our likes and dislikes. That is when our heart opens. The Guru’s grace is always present, but we should grant ourselves our own grace.

  • Time is the greatest wealth of a spiritual seeker

    Time is the greatest wealth of a spiritual seeker

    23 July 2021, Amritapuri – Gurupurnima Celebrations Excerpts from Amma’s Gurupurnima Message Guru Purṇima shouldn’t just be an external ritual observance. It is a transformation that should happen within. Only then will you always be able to experience the guru’s presence and blessings. A Satguru possesses a visible physical form as well as an invisible…

  • Tune to receive the signal of Grace

    Tune to receive the signal of Grace

    Even if a devotee is physically close to the guru or has heard his teachings, unless that devotee’s heart is open, surrender and humility will not dawn.

  • Life is the greatest book

    Life is the greatest book

    We have so much more to learn from those around us than from books.

  • Awaken the Guru within

    Awaken the Guru within

    There are so many different types of relationships based on love in the world. However, the relationship between the Sat Guru (Realized Master) and the disciple is beyond all these relationships. Guru resides within the heart of a true disciple. A mother or father only exist where a son or daughter exists. Similarly, a true…

  • Fear and Devotion

    Fear and Devotion

    Fear drives people towards faith and not the understanding of spiritual principles or fundamental truths.

  • When disciple awakens, Guru manifests

    When disciple awakens, Guru manifests

    Whenever we are ready to obey the Lord, and we approach Him with the attitude of a disciple — with humility, devotion, and shraddha — the God within us will assume the role of Guru, and lead us, holding our hand.

  • A thousand pilgrimages = presence of the  Master

    A thousand pilgrimages = presence of the Master

    It may be difficult, but we need to keep trying. Even if we fail a hundred times, even a single victory is a big victory. We may fail a test multiple times, but once we finally pass it, we need not take the test ever again.