Tag: Chicago

  • A symbol and promoter of peace

    A symbol and promoter of peace

    2 July 2006 — Addison, Texas, USA On 2nd July in Addison, Texas, Amma was officially welcomed by the town’s mayor, Joe Chow. Mayor Chow has in fact welcomed Amma to Addison for several years now. “Amma has done so much for the world, not only India,” he said. “She is a symbol of peace.…

  • Honorary Citizenship and the Key to the City

    Honorary Citizenship and the Key to the City

    14 July 2003, Chicago-Area Cities Award Amma After a full weekend of Amma’s programs in the Chicago area, the working Monday morning still found devotees making their way into Amma’s soothing presence, yearning for more time in the peaceful vicinity of this Spiritual Master in the form of a loving Mother. On this day, the…

  • At home in the arms of the Divine Mother

    At home in the arms of the Divine Mother

    Chicago, 2 July 2001 “It means so much to me to see you here!” A young woman was shaking Daniel’s hand in the lobby of the Wyndham Hotel in Chicago, while strains of “Sri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya Jaya Rama” reverberated from the nearby ballroom where Mother sat giving darshan. “I can’t tell you how…

  • US Yatra 2000

    June-July 2000, US Cities Seattle, Washington Because of the ever-increasing number of people coming for the programmes both the public programmes and the retreat were held at the Embassy Suites Hotel, in the north of the city. On Saturday afternoon, after the meditation, Amma served dinner to every devotee and then sat at the table…

  • The Glorious Legacy of ‘Sanatana Dharma’

    The Glorious Legacy of ‘Sanatana Dharma’

    The following is the speech delivered by Amma before an audience of spiritual leaders and dignitaries, on the morning of the 4th of September, 1993, when the Hindu Host Committee honoured Her, by selecting Her as one of the three Presidents of the Hindu faith: The great saints and sages of India who were the…

  • Amma Spoke, Then… Gave Darshan! at Parliament of World’s Religions

    Amma Spoke, Then… Gave Darshan! at Parliament of World’s Religions

    Parliament of World’s Religions in 1993 , Chicago Amma’s speech was like the flow of the Ganges. From the highest peak of transcendent spiritual bliss, Amma spoke, letting others drink, bathe and swim in Her infinite consciousness, which overflowed through Her beautiful and compelling words.   As Amma spoke, a deep peace seemed to permeate the…

  • Amma addresses the Parliament of World’s Religions in 1993

    Amma addresses the Parliament of World’s Religions in 1993

    May Your Hearts BlossomChicago, 3rd September 1993 Salutations to all of you who have come here today, you who are the embodiments of Supreme Love. Words cannot express the gratitude that Amma feels towards the sincere organizers who have taken the time and energy to bring this highly beneficial conference into being. Though living in…

  • The First and Second Parliaments of the World’s Religions

    The First and Second Parliaments of the World’s Religions

    Parliaments of the World’s Religions in 1893 and 1993 The first Parliament of the World’s Religions was held in Chicago in 1893. It marked the first concerted effort to bring all the different religions to a common platform where leaders and representatives of all faiths were able to communicate and share their views. At that…