Category: Ashram

  • Gurupurnima Celebrated at Amritapuri Ashram

    Gurupurnima Celebrated at Amritapuri Ashram

    Hundreds of devotees gathered to pay homage to the Guru Parampara—the lineage of Gurus—on this auspicious Vyasa Purnima.

  • Gita Jayanthi celebrations illuminate Ashram with art & wisdom

    Gita Jayanthi celebrations illuminate Ashram with art & wisdom

    Devotees and artists alike gathered to immerse themselves in the profound teachings of Gita. Gita chanting, Gita talks, and a distinctive Gita painting session were integral elements of the celebration, each contributing to the vibrant tapestry of the day.

  • Historic and unique Gita Jnana Yajna concludes

    Historic and unique Gita Jnana Yajna concludes

    One-year-long Bhagavad Gita Jnana Yaga (700 speakers in 10 languages, from 25 countries, age 8-84, 31 Sannyasis, 311 Brahmacharis, 160 Internationals, 32 kids) concluded

  • What is real prayer? A lesson from Ramayana month

    What is real prayer? A lesson from Ramayana month

    The test was simple but demanding: whoever could lift and string the mighty bow of Shiva, a gift to King Janaka, would win Sita’s hand in marriage.

  • International Yoga Day celebrated vibrantly

    International Yoga Day celebrated vibrantly

    Science and spirituality—or yoga—are like the two wings of a bird. We need both. Yoga will help us bring harmony not merely into our individual life, nor merely into society, but into the entire world.

  • The significance of chanting Brahmarpanam before meals

    The significance of chanting Brahmarpanam before meals

    It is not only about expressing gratitude for the food we eat but also about recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings and elements involved in bringing that food to our plates

  • Interaction with the kids and a lesson in mindfulness

    Interaction with the kids and a lesson in mindfulness

    6 Feb 2023, Amritapuri Ashram The daily evening bhajans at the Ashram are always filled with joy, laughter, love and peace. It is a time for the community to come together and connect with the divine through music and prayers. During one of these bhajan sessions, Amma was interacting with the kids, and one of…

  • May we all become the hands of God

    May we all become the hands of God

    “With all the love that you have, this center came into existence. Now, without extinguishing that love, it is your dharma to sustain it and to take it forward. Its light must be beneficial to everyone.”

  • Sannyas is a state of total renunciation beginning and ending in compassion

    Sannyas is a state of total renunciation beginning and ending in compassion

    Each moment should become filled with alertness, love and faith as the sannyasin strives to reach that goal. We need to develop awareness in each and every word, every look, every thought and every action.

  • When the impurities are removed, our Bhakti will become mature

    When the impurities are removed, our Bhakti will become mature

    23 August 2019 — Amritapuri AshramSreeKrishna Jayanthi Celebrations – excerpts from Amma’s message Today is the sacred day when the Lord Krishna took avatara on this earth as the embodiment of strength and beauty. He gave this world the message of courageous action and pure love in all its fullness. The Sanskrit word avatara has…