Category: Ashram

  • Kids tying rakhi to soldiers, get inspired to follow Dharma

    Kids tying rakhi to soldiers, get inspired to follow Dharma

    15 Aug 2019, Amritapuri A small function was arranged at the ashram to honour the soldiers on the day of Rakhi. As a mark of respect love and gratitude, the kids of the ashram kids tied rakhi on their hands, applied tilak on their forehead, waved arati, and fed them with sweets. Inspector J Jonah…

  • Proper yoga practices are like diving deep into the ocean

    Proper yoga practices are like diving deep into the ocean

    On International Day of Yoga, participants attending Amma’s Santa Fe retreat were treated to a special yoga session with Amma. “Yoga is not just physical movement, like going to the gym and exercising,” Amma explained. “Rather, it is yet another way to know God, the infinite power we truly are. Yoga is meditation. Just like…

  • Playing Holi at Amritapuri

    Playing Holi at Amritapuri

    21 March, Holi Festival – Amritapuri Normally the festival of Holi takes place when Amma is traveling in the North of India as part of her annual Bharata Yatra. This year Holi took place just a few days after Amma returned to Amritapuri so all the residents in the ashram were fortunate to celebrate with…

  • What selfless actions we have done for others?

    What selfless actions we have done for others?

    Of the 24 hours given to us each day, was I able to spare at least one hour to help selflessly?

  • Prepare our mind well before we perform our action

    Prepare our mind well before we perform our action

    September 5-16, 2018 This September, Swami Ramakrishnanada Puri visited South America for the 20th time. Swami travelled to Peru, Chile and Brazil as part of his tour, spreading Amma’s message of love and compassion everywhere he went. In each city that Swami visited, large crowds filled every hall. It was incredibly inspiring to see the…

  • Amma hoisted National flag

    Amma hoisted National flag

    15 Aug 2018, Amritapuri Amma hoisted the National flag, celebrating India’s 72nd Independence day at Amritapuri. As Amma unfurled the tricolour flag,  the military force did a ceremonial salute. Amma stood in the rain while saluting the flag, praying during the National Anthem.  Many people and children could be seen standing with tri-colour flags and…

  • Vavubali – paying homage to ancestors

    Vavubali – paying homage to ancestors

    11 Aug 2018, Amritapuri Many people performed VavuBali -oblations to the ancestors – at Amritapuri Ashram today. Hundreds of people including many westerners participated in the one-hour long ceremony. Remembering their forefathers each one paid their tributes, followed a ritual which was well instructed by the brahmacharis. Pitru Yagna is a part of the Pancha…

  • Every day should begin with the remembrance of God

    Every day should begin with the remembrance of God

    15 April 2018, Amritapuri – Vishu celebrations The Vishu celebration was carried out with great enthusiasm all around the ashram. There were separate Vishukkani* arranged in the Kalari, near Amma’s house, and on the stage of the bhajan’s hall. Along with Vishukkani, saplings and plant seeds were also kept on the altar. Each devotee who…

  • When Amma will return to our continent?

    When Amma will return to our continent?

    Straight from Amma’s 64th birthday celebrations, Swami Ramakrishnanda Puri travelled halfway around the world to bring Amma’s love to her children in South America. Swami’s tour began in Santiago, Chile, where 10 years earlier Amma made her first visit to South America. Even though Amma visited only once, more than a decade ago, Swami’s annual…

  • Diwali is a reminder to invoke the divine within our heart

    Diwali is a reminder to invoke the divine within our heart

    17 & 18 October 2017 Diwali celebrations in AmritapuriDiwali was celebrated throughout Amritapuri in many ways. In the morning, as Amma made her way to the stage for the day’s darshan, she was welcomed by a group of Amma’s children from Tamil Nadu, dressed in beautiful attire and holding diyas (lamps) in their hands. They chanted…