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  • Rebirth happens when we completely die to our ego

    Rebirth happens when we completely die to our ego

    From Amma’s Christmas Message God is said to be the embodiment of infinite divine qualities. He is beyond word and thought. It is through the lives of mahatmas that one directly experiences the divinity of God. The specialty of mahatmas is that they practice what they preach. In this regard, Jesus Christ was no different.…

  • All of you are my angels : Amma

    All of you are my angels : Amma

    15 December 2014 – Amritapuri Ashram The following dialogue took place between Amma and a visitor in Amritapuri during a seashore meditation and question-and-answer session. Question: Amma, I have heard and read many things about angels. Can you tell me about them? Amma: For Amma, all of you are my angels. There is an angel…

  • “Pure, Selfless Love is only medicine for healing wounds of human trafficking”- Amma

    “Pure, Selfless Love is only medicine for healing wounds of human trafficking”- Amma

    Remaining silent in the face of unrighteousness is unrighteous. Governments and political leaders have to establish laws without loopholes, so the guilty cannot escape, and these laws must be strictly enforced

  • Amma signs Faith Leaders’ Universal Declaration Against Slavery at Vatican

    Amma signs Faith Leaders’ Universal Declaration Against Slavery at Vatican

    I am optimistic that all global faiths are uniting together to inspire both spiritual and practical actions towards society ending the horror of slavery and human trafficking.

  • Amma & world faith leaders to declare a commitment to the eradication of slavery

    Amma & world faith leaders to declare a commitment to the eradication of slavery

    Amma has arrived in Rome to participate as part of a historic event aimed at eradicating modern slavery.

  • A word missing from Amma’s dictionary

    A word missing from Amma’s dictionary

    8-10 Nov, Milano, Italy – Europe Yatra 2014 A huge group of volunteers waited for Amma to welcome her on her arrival in Malpensa Fiere in Milano, which was the venue for Amma’s programme in Italy from November 8 to 10. On arrival, Amma straight away went to the Dining hall to serve food to…

  • ‘Merci Amma’ from Lou Paradou, Toulon

    3-5 November, Toulon, France – Europe Yatra 2014 With lighted candles in hands and hearts lit with love, hundreds of volunteers lined up to receive Amma as she arrived at the Zenith Omega in Toulon for a three day program. Overt the next three days, thousands gathered to receive Amma’s embrace, braving even the stormy…

  • If each of those 33 million people could pass on the same message…

    Ireland welcomes Amma with open arms and hearts 31 Oct – 1 Nov, Dublin, Ireland — Europe Yatra 2014 Amma’s children in Ireland welcomed her to the country with open arms and hearts as she arrived in Dublin for a two-day programme on the 31st October and the 1st of November. The Irish hospitality was…

  • Work together in the spirit of love and unity, contribute to society

    October 23-25 – Houten, Netherlands, Europe Yatra 2014 Amma was welcomed at the Expo Houten in Houten, Netherlands on her arrival from Paris by devotees with sparklers in their hands, chanting, “Happy Diwali Amma.” Amma too joined in the celebrations by waving sparklers with them. Though Amma had arrived after a marathon darshan in Paris,…

  • Amma plants seeds compassion in the hearts of others

    27 October 2014 — Alexander Palace, London Upon Amma’s arrival in London, her 27th visit to the United Kingdom, Amma was welcomed onstage by three dignitaries: Lord Andrew Stone of the House of Lords; Ms. Scilla Elworthy, peace activist and founder Rising Women, Rising World, the Oxford Research Group and Peace Direct; and Academy Award-winning…