• Amma in Russia

    Amma in Russia

    Amma inspired the people to take a more cheerful and positive attitude and be more kind.

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  • A Devi Bhava Night

    14 May 2000, Amritapuri Since this was scheduled as the last darshan before Mother’s two-month tour of Japan and the USA, the crowd was immense: more than 12,000 darshan tokens were given out, and the entire gathering of devotees was estimated at 15,000 to 20,000. Only a few thousand at a time can fit into…

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  • Only by fostering motherhood can our culture be sustained

    Question: How can Amma, who has never give birth, be considered to be a Mother? Amma: Children, the mother is a symboll of selflessness. A mother knows the heart of her child — she knows its feelings. Her whole life is dedicated to the well being of her child. A mother doesn’t look upon the…

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  • Meditating, Playing and Teaching

    5 May 2000, Amritapuri At midday the temple bell rang three times, letting everyone know that Amma was about to come for meditation. From all directions, ashramites and visitors flocked to the temple hall to await Her arrival. Within a few minutes Amma entered. She sat down and, closing Her eyes, began to meditate. Some…

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  • Learn to live happily

    Question: Is it possible to experience supreme bliss living in the world? Amma: Certainly. It is to be experienced while you are still in the body. It is not something to be attained after death. Like the mind and body, spirituality and worldliness are two facets of life. They cannot exist totally separated from each…

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  • Shodasha Samskaras : 16 Rites of Passage

    Shodasha Samskaras : 16 Rites of Passage

    1. Garbhadana Samskara – is performed by a married couple when conceiving a child. This important Samskara raises the act of conception to a sacred occasion, and is powerfully purifying and uplifting for the unborn child. 2. Pumsavana Samskara – is usually performed between the second and fourth month of pregnancy. Its purpose is: to…

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  • Mother and the Moon at Bhavani river

    Amma began singing. Softly the voices of Her children joined in; Mother would sing a line, and the children around Her would repeat it.

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  • The Life of Adi Shankaracharya

    The Life of Adi Shankaracharya

    Brahman, Pure Consciousness, is the Absolute Reality. The world is unreal. This is the correct understanding of the Sastra is the thundering declaration of Vedanta

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  • Vishu celebrations

    April the 14th, 2000 was new year’s day in the Hindu calendar. Amma was away on Her tour of North India and the residents used this time to completely restore the old Kalari (temple), where Amma first started Krishna Bhava in 1975. The roof was replaced and internal renovations were carried out. Flowers, harvest fruit…

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  • Restoration of the Kalari

    The Kalari is the small temple where Amma first started giving darshan consists of a tiny inner shrine room and an outer-covered veranda where Krishna Bhava used to be held in 1975. Bhajans were sung every evening. Over time, the roof made of coconut tree planks became unstable and the concrete floor of the inner…

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