21 March, Holi Festival – Amritapuri
Normally the festival of Holi takes place when Amma is

After the brief explanation Amma shared some humorous anecdotes of her own childhood and how she celebrated Onam. Amma asked everyone to pray for the martyed soldiers in the recent terror attack.
Next Amma sang two Holi themed bhajans as the whole hall clapped in joy. Half way through the second bhajan, Aye He Holi, Amma could no longer resist the trays of colored powder next to her or the large pistols filled with colored water and to the delight of everyone she began ‘playing Holi’ as she sang. Clouds of colored powder and streams of colored water rained down on all within range of Amma. As the bhajan reached its crescendo Amma stood up and began to dance as she continued to color everyone around her; even the musicians and their instruments who thought they were safe sitting behind her.
As the song concluded all were blissfully doused in a rainbow of colors and Amma asked everyone to meditate together and pray for world peace, concluding the celebration with everyone chanting Lokah Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu.