Category: Around Amma 2010

  • Be near Amma, be like Hanuman

    Be near Amma, be like Hanuman

    “If you are understanding the principle of the Guru, then the pain of separation from the Guru actually takes you to the Goal. If you are going forwards while understanding that Principle, then you won’t collapse.”

  • Spiritual Reflections in Pushkar

    Spiritual Reflections in Pushkar

    5 March 2010, Pushkar, Rajasthan – Bharata Yatra 2010 During the Bharata Yatra 2010, Amma and her tour group made a serene stop in Pushkar, home to the only temple dedicated to Lord Brahmaji. The group gathered in a picturesque lawn surrounded by small hut-like houses, with the setting sun casting a golden hue over…