Amma in Santa Fe

18-22 Jun Santa Fe, New Mexico – America Yatra 2016

Amma held two days of public programs followed by a three-day retreat and Devi Bhava at the Buffalo Thunder Resort just outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico.

During the retreat, there were meditation classes, talks with the Swamis, IAM classes, and a question and answer session with Amma. At the Q&A session, Amma led everyone in yoga asanas in honor of the 2nd annual International Day of Yoga. Following the Q&A session, Amma sang ‘Mukunda Murari and served everyone dinner.

Througout the programs and retreat, local satsangs sang bhajans and a group of young balakendra students sang ‘We Are All Beads’ accompanied by acting and sign language to convey Amma’s message of unity and compassion. There was also a soulful violin performance by one of Amma’s devotees and inspiring Flamenco dancing.
