Tag: c20

  • The world is one big family

    The world is one big family

    May divine grace bless everyone to realise the dream of vasudhaiva kutumbakam —“The world is one big family.” 

  • Uniting humanity for a hopeful future

    Uniting humanity for a hopeful future

    Amma wishes for a world where each nation is like a beautiful petal in a divine flower, radiating happiness and unity

  • Vishu gives us the message of seeing everything and everyone as equal

    Vishu gives us the message of seeing everything and everyone as equal

    Environmental initiatives exemplify Amma’s commitment to environmental restoration and unity with nature, encouraging contributions from people worldwide to make a positive impact.

  • Civil20 Inception at Nagpur

    Civil20 Inception at Nagpur

    A vision of civil society where the individual and family, as well as society, markets, and the state understand their respective roles in a new light. The foundational approach to all relationships should be unity, solidarity, and above all, compassion.

  • Fulfilling the Principle of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: Fostering Unity and Harmony

    Fulfilling the Principle of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: Fostering Unity and Harmony

    This is a historic year in which India has received the opportunity to assume the presidency of the G20 nations. Diversity is not a drawback or limitation. It is an important opportunity.

  • May our actions talk louder than our words

    May our actions talk louder than our words

    Amma prays that this eminent venture brings transformation in human minds. May our actions talk louder than our words. May they create ripples of love, compassion, and respect in human hearts.

  • Sandhya, the chair of W20, meets Amma, the chair of C20

    Sandhya, the chair of W20, meets Amma, the chair of C20

    7 Dec 2022, Amritapuri Dr Sandhya Purecha, who is known as India’s foremost Performing-Academician, arrived in Amritapuri to meet Amma. The Govt of India has appointed the renowned classical dancer as the Chair of W20, an engagement group for Gender Equality with India’s G20 Summit. Amma is the Chair of C20, the G20’s Civil Society…

  • Amma to chair C20 of G20 summit

    Amma to chair C20 of G20 summit

    The C20 is its platform for civil society organizations to bring forth non-government and non-business voices to the G20 leaders.