Tag: Advaita
Advaita & the Tsunami
28 January 2005 , Amritapuri Advaita it is such a simple word. It means “not two.” But within this simple conjunction is cradled the entirety of spirituality. It is the reminder that things are not diverse, as they seem, but One. Man and Nature? Not two. Creator and Creation? Not two. Inside and outside? Not…
Amma cries with them
27 December 2004–Amritapuri The danger is over. But the damage has been done. While no one at the Ashram was injured, the villagers have suffered great losses. Family members are dead and missing. Many of their houses and huts have simply been washed away. The government has evacuated the area, asking everyone stay on the…
Adi Sankaracharya: The Jagadguru of Advaita
The guru-disciple paramparas1 of India are like malas2 strung with gems; each jewel is precious and invaluable. Still, some shine with an attention-commanding splendor. Sri Adi Sankaracarya was such a diamond. Sri Sankara’s accomplishments were many, but he is singled out because his brilliant commentaries on the prasthana-trayam—upanishads, the Bhagavad-Gita and the Brahma Sutras—crystallized the…