Category: Cultural

  • What is Kali Puja

    What is Kali Puja

    Kali Pujas take place on the veranda of the Kalari at Amritapuri, which is prepared with exquisitely coloured drawings, made with coloured powders. The diagram represents the peetham (seat) of the goddess who is symbolically present in the form of a tall lamp standing in the centre. Kali is the compassionate Mother in Her fierce…

  • Sannyasa, in the service of the world

    Sannyasa, in the service of the world

    A Sannyasi is a real servant of the world. In fact, he or she is the only one who serves and loves the world without receiving anything in return.

  • Brahmacharya Deeksha ceremony

    Brahmacharya Deeksha ceremony

    many of the brahmacharis serve in various branch ashrams or by going on tours to various parts of India and the world. Thus they spread Amma’s message of Love and Compassion.

  • Shodasha Samskaras : 16 Rites of Passage

    Shodasha Samskaras : 16 Rites of Passage

    1. Garbhadana Samskara – is performed by a married couple when conceiving a child. This important Samskara raises the act of conception to a sacred occasion, and is powerfully purifying and uplifting for the unborn child. 2. Pumsavana Samskara – is usually performed between the second and fourth month of pregnancy. Its purpose is: to…