Month: August 2014

  • Fabric painting at Amrita SeRVe villages

    As part of the  Amrita SeRVe project, volunteers conduct a ‘fabric painting’ course in  Mangalore, one of the 101 villages that MAM has adopted.

  • 325 Liver Transplants in 10 Years at Amrita Hospital

    325 Liver Transplants in 10 Years at Amrita Hospital

    July 29, 2014 A reunion of liver transplant recipients and their donors was held at the Amrita Hospital of Medical Sciences on the 10th anniversary of Amrita’s liver transplant unit.   Transplantation is the only treatment available from patients suffering from acute or chronic liver failure. Nearly 90% of Amrita’s liver transplant patients survive the…

  • Amma feeding a fledgling

    Recently, a baby bird that had fallen out of its nest was brought to Amma during darshan. After feeding the bird, Amma said that its pathetic condition and heartfelt cries reminded her of all the suffering being experienced throughout the world and how the only way to rid the world of such suffering is through…

  • Multiple Dharmas, One Goal

    18 July 2014 — Amritapuri, Satsang at the beach Question: Amma, it is said there is only one dharma [duty]—to realize the Self. But I seem to have so many dharmas—family dharma, office dharma, social dharma… Is there really only one dharma? Amma: For a spiritual person, the goal of life is to know the…

  • Embracing the World reaches out to needy families in Slovenia

    The volunteers of Embracing the World in Slovenia donated 10 tonnes of food (5,000 kilos of rice and 5,000 kilos of Pasta) towards families in need during a public function held in Ljubljana, the capitol city of Slovenia on May 22, 2014. Br. Shubamrita Chaitanya handed over the supplies to the ‘Friends of Youth’ organization…