Month: December 2008
I AM Meditation Classes in 2008
Photos of the I Am Meditation classes that where held in Lebanon and in Sikkim in 2008
Ayurveda International Workshop
A 3 day international workshop on Ayurveda was held at Amrita School of Ayurveda from 29th -31st of December. Ayurveda doctors gave lectures on useful Ayurvedic topics like basic concepts of Ayurveda , Ayurvedic life style, Panchakarma, concept of natural food and yoga. Participants also visited the Ayurvedic medicine manufacturing unit and herbal garden. Twenty…
AYUDH Youth Meet 27 -29 Dec 2008 The 2nd annual AYUDH (USA) Youth Meet held at the M.A. Center in San Ramon, California saw the arrival of young people from all over the country to participate in a 3-day program. Themed “Compassion in Action,” the retreat delved into the complex meaning of compassion, and explored…
Sixth Tsunami Baby Arrives
24 December 2008 — Amritapuri After the Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004, several women from the villages surrounding Amritapuri came to Amma telling of a peculiar and tragic plight. Not only had they lost their children in the disaster, they were also unable to have more, as they had long back opted to undergo tubal…
Xmas celebration photos
Christmas eve 2008, Amritapuri Photos of Xmas celebration with Amma at the ashram.
Sri Lanka President prays to Amma for peace
23 December 2008 — Amritapuri Ashram Mahinda Rajapaksa, the President of Sri Lanka, today officially requested Amma to provide her “divine intervention and merciful blessings” to put an end to his nation’s 25-year-old civil war. In a letter hand-delivered by Dr. Rajitha Senaratne, Member of Parliament and Minister of Construction & Engineering Services for Sri…
The Life After: Bihar floods
After three months and more the government has started on the second phase of the rehabilitation project – taking census of losses suffered by individual farmers, so that compensation can be granted under different heads. The waters have receded in most places, a majority of the people have returned to their villages, and are now…
Bihar Flood: Medical Service
Medicine In response to the Bihar flood, AIMS Hospital dispatched teams of specialists and paramedics who treated more than 400 patients daily, sometimes seeing to more than 500. Not only did the doctors treat wounds, respiratory problems like pneumonia and fungal growths, they also delivered several babies. Ambulances and a Mobile Telemedicine Unit were also…