Guru Purnima Celebrations

21 July, 2005


Amma is currently in Boston. After evening darshan (21st morning 4 a.m.), Amma’s pada puja were performed on the same stage.

Swami Amritaswarupananda and Swamini Krishnamrita Prana did the pada puja of Amma.

“We must take birth in love, lead this life in love and at last get merged in love. This life of ours must be with this high objective. But, the truth is, there is no end for love. Guru-disciple relationship helps us to rekindle this awareness in us and this relationship helps us to realize our goal” Amma told the residents of the Amritapuri ashram over the phone.

“Satguru is an embodiment of pure love. It is love that sustains life on this earth. It is love that sustains all the things and beings. The love of a mother for her child is the most purest form of love that human mind could imagine.  But remember, the greatest form of love is the one between a Guru and the disciple” Amma added.

“All our actions must be born out of pure love. If and only if our actions spring out of such pure love, the actions become an offering to Guru. If not the actions will merely remain just as actions. It won’t become karma yoga” she reminded every one in her guru purnima message.

“While the actions that are performed as an expression of love, will help us evolve spiritually and such actions will become an offering to Guru. Such actions will purify us and this is real devotion. Right now, we have forgotten this love which is our essential nature. Does any of you remember this? And this is the reason for all our problems – Amma explained.


Guru purnima was celebrated with devotional fervour at the Ashram in Amritapuri. Swami Turiyamritananda Puri performed the pada puja to Amma’s sandals in a devotionally charged atmosphere amidst the back drop of Vedic chanting.

Reports of guru purnima celebrations are arriving from Ashram centers and Amrita educational institutions all over the world.