Category: Guru Purnima

  • Gurupurnima Celebrated at Amritapuri Ashram

    Gurupurnima Celebrated at Amritapuri Ashram

    Hundreds of devotees gathered to pay homage to the Guru Parampara—the lineage of Gurus—on this auspicious Vyasa Purnima.

  • Disciple is born when disciplehood is awakened

    Disciple is born when disciplehood is awakened

    When one can welcome the guru’s teaching with an open heart and accept it without a trace of doubt that one becomes a real disciple.

  • The Guru-disciple relationship is an everlasting connection

    The Guru-disciple relationship is an everlasting connection

    From Amma’s Gurupurnima message If we try to count from the beginning of the Guru-disciple tradition, tens of thousands of Gurupurnimas’ must have been celebrated by disciples. Celebrations are mere road signs, pointing us in the right direction. To understand the meaning of these celebrations, we need to go beyond the external pujas and traditional…

  • Guru is the embodiment of the Scriptures

    Guru is the embodiment of the Scriptures

    31 July 2015, Amritapuri Gurupurnima was celebrated with much devotion and enthusiasm at Amritapuri today. Many devotees came from different parts of India and the world to be with the Guru. Amma’s Padapuja was performed by Swami Amritaswarupanda with the chanting of Guru Gita and 108 Names. All the swamis garlanded Amma, Amma showered blessings…

  • The disciple awakens from within, it is like a rebirth happening

    22 July 2013, Amritapuri After many years, Amma was physicially present for Guru Purnima in Amritapuri. Even though she had just arrived the previous day from her two month-long world tour, Amma came to the stage at 10.30 am for the function. The celebrations began with Amma’s Pada Puja, which was performed by Swami Amritaswarupananda…

  • Scriptures becomes alive in the presence of the Guru

    Guru Purnima Celebrations 3 July, Chicago, Japan-America Yatra 2012 The auspicious Guru Purnima celebrations were held in Amma’s new Chicago Ashram. The celebrations took place after a long day of darshan, with Swami Amritaswaroopananda leading the worship of the Guru’s feet. Amma spoke to the devotees about the importance of the Guru disciple relationship. “A…

  • Guru Purnima celebrations in India 2008

    Guru Purnima celebrations in India 2008

    18 July, 2008, Guru Purnima celebrations Amritapuri: Swami Turiyamritananda performs Guru Paduka Puja. Ashramites chanted Amma’s 108 names and Veda mantras as part of Guru Purnima celebrations in Amritapuri. The ashram resonated with devotion to the Guru. Chennai: At Chennai ashram, Guru Poornima was celebrated as a full day event starting with Guru Paduka Pooja,…

  • Diminishing distances

    Diminishing distances

    Guru Purnima in Amritapuri 10 July 2006, Amritapuri For many years now, residents of Amritapuri have been celebrating Guru Purnima in the Guru’s physical absence. This is because Amma is usually in the U.S. during that time of the year. Amma usually calls though, and hearing Her soulful voice is the day’s highlight for ashram…

  • Guru Purnima Celebrations

    21 July, 2005 Amma is currently in Boston. After evening darshan (21st morning 4 a.m.), Amma’s pada puja were performed on the same stage. Swami Amritaswarupananda and Swamini Krishnamrita Prana did the pada puja of Amma. “We must take birth in love, lead this life in love and at last get merged in love. This…

  • Guru Purnima in New Mexico

    28 -29 June 2004 Santa Fe “This is the highpoint of Amma’s tour. It’s all down hill from here,” joked one of Amma’s devotees from Santa Fe. He was referring to the fact that, at 7,000 feet above sea level, Amma’s programmes at Her New Mexico ashram are the most physically elevated of Her U.S.…