As per Amma’s instructions a two day All India IAM Technique Trainers’ camp was conducted on May 14th and 15th at Amritapuri. The participants were from various states, covering almost the entire geographical spread of India.
Devotees from all over India and faculty from all the Amrita Institutions, including the various University schools and all the Amrita Vidyalayams, attended in the hundreds. The interactive sessions included guided meditation sessions, mock teaching sessions, corporate games sessions, additional yoga sessions, informational video sessions on meditation and talks on the benefits of meditation by Dr Shanti Nair, winner of National Research award 2011 and Vandana Balakrishnan, who has done extensive research on the effect of IAM Technique on the physiological functioning of the human body.
The camp concluded with a lucid talk by Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri followed by a Question – Answer session.