Tag: disciple

  • Disciple is born when disciplehood is awakened

    Disciple is born when disciplehood is awakened

    When one can welcome the guru’s teaching with an open heart and accept it without a trace of doubt that one becomes a real disciple.

  • The Guru never wants the disciple to remain a disciple.

    The Guru never wants the disciple to remain a disciple.

    Surrender is nothing but giving up our likes and dislikes. That is when our heart opens. The Guru’s grace is always present, but we should grant ourselves our own grace.

  • Time is the greatest wealth of a spiritual seeker

    Time is the greatest wealth of a spiritual seeker

    23 July 2021, Amritapuri – Gurupurnima Celebrations Excerpts from Amma’s Gurupurnima Message Guru Purṇima shouldn’t just be an external ritual observance. It is a transformation that should happen within. Only then will you always be able to experience the guru’s presence and blessings. A Satguru possesses a visible physical form as well as an invisible…

  • When disciple awakens, Guru manifests

    When disciple awakens, Guru manifests

    Whenever we are ready to obey the Lord, and we approach Him with the attitude of a disciple — with humility, devotion, and shraddha — the God within us will assume the role of Guru, and lead us, holding our hand.

  • Be patient, Master is at work

    Be patient, Master is at work

    We run all over the place in search of God. Just when our roots begin to grow, we start thinking, “I’m not gaining anything here. If I go over there I may get more.” What we really need is patience.

  • Forget oneself to find oneself

    Forget oneself to find oneself

    The essence of the scriptures is in its practical aspect. While dealing with others, were we able to maintain our composure? Otherwise, what is the difference between us and a tape recorder, or a book?

  • The disciple first must awaken the guru within

    The disciple first must awaken the guru within

    16 July, Toronto, Canada – America Yatra 2019-from Amma’s Guru Purnima message From the moment of our birth on this earth, through all the various phases of life that we travel through, up to the very moment of our death, there is always a guru there to impart us knowledge. Our journey into the world…

  • “I am the infinite, I am fullness itself” – Gurupurnima celebrations

    “I am the infinite, I am fullness itself” – Gurupurnima celebrations

    -from Amma’s Gurupurnima message Guru Purnima is a reminder to find our purnatvam—our fullness—within. Looking through the small windows of our mind, we come to wrong conclusions about ourselves and the world. The guru is the most noble and trusted friend who awakens us to the reality that, “I am not this small entity (body,…