Category: Community Out Reach

  • Amrita University illuminating rural India via renewable resources

    Amrita University illuminating rural India via renewable resources

    Last September, in her birthday address, Amma pointed out that India is suffering from a split personality–success when it comes to technological advancement and failure in terms of poverty, illiteracy, health sanitation and crimes against women. “A split personality is never a sign of sound health,” Amma said. “If we want to see India become…

  • It is the message of peace, equality and unity

    It is the message of peace, equality and unity

    October 6-8, Barcelona, Spain – Europe Yatra 2015 On all the three days huge crowds lined up around the block for their chance to meet Amma. Many were coming to meet Amma for the first time but others, like the Mayor, the Honorable Josep Mayoral, have been coming yearly to welcome Amma. Granollers, Spain, has…

  • Amrita Water Distribution System: Water Management in Rural India

    Amrita Water Distribution System: Water Management in Rural India

    Oct 2015Under our Amrita SeRVe initiative–101 village adoption program–the people of the villages of Harirampur of Rajasthan; Guptapada, Odisha; and Komalikudi of Kerala are now able to receive water through an underground pipeline system in front of their houses. In all these villages, pipelines were laid, overhead water tanks were built, pump sets were installed,…

  • Free marriages at Amritavarsham

    Free marriages at Amritavarsham

    27 Sep 2015 Amritapuri – Amritavarsham 62 , Amma’s Birthday Celebrations Each year on Amma’s birthday, the Mata Amritanandamayi Math helps couples having financial difficulty to have a traditional Indian wedding by providing all the requisite clothing, gold jewellery and feast, etc. Sri. Ashok Singhalji, former president of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, and Sri. Vellapalli…

  • 130 houses and 2 intermediate colleges

    130 houses and 2 intermediate colleges

    27 Sep 2015 Amritapuri – Amritavarsham 62 , Amma’s Birthday Celebrations Over the past two decades, the Mata Amritanandamayi Math has built more than 45,000 homes for the homeless in more than 75 locations throughout India. Today, the Math extended this program by presenting keys to 130 homes and two inter-colleges in various locations throughout…

  • Solutions for sustainable development in adopted villages

    Solutions for sustainable development in adopted villages

    27 Sep 2015 Amritapuri – Amritavarsham 62 , Amma’s Birthday Celebrations Amma has adopted 101 villages throughout India in order to help them become self-reliant models of sustainability, two years ago on her 60th Birthday. The Amrita SeRVe program focuses on uplifting all aspects of life: housing, education, hygiene, food and water, employment, infrastructure and…

  • We are able to dream and dream big

    We are able to dream and dream big

    Five young survivors of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake who have been receiving Embracing the World scholarships since then wrote a letter to Amma after graduating from high school this summer. They wrote: “Dear Amma,We would like to thank you for allowing us to graduate, because without your financial support this journey might not have been…

  • White C(r)ane for school children in Kenya

    White C(r)ane for school children in Kenya

    On April 11th, 2015, seventy blind children and youth from Thika Primary School of the visually impaired received white canes as part of AYUDHs ‘White C(r)ane Project’. Initiated by blind AYUDH member Matthias, from Germany, youth across Europe had spent the past eight months raising funds to sponsor the project. As a representative of Embracing…

  • Aiding the visually impaired in Kenya

    Aiding the visually impaired in Kenya

    The fourth time Embracing the World teamed up with “Stop Blindness” and “Vision without Borders” to prevent blindness in Kenya. Led by Isabel Maria Signes Soler from Spain conducted 154 surgeries at the Busia Public Hospital between 10th to the 19th April 2015. Busia County is a rural area of Kenya, near to the border…

  • Please come to show us your smile again

    Please come to show us your smile again

    This past February, 63 Japanese students from IVUSA returned to the same small village in Chandrapuri, Uttarakhand where they had helped build homes last year as part of flood relief project. This year, the relief efforts extended to building a new school. Since the flood, students have been studying in a small, dark prefabricated hut.…