Category: Community Out Reach

  • Amma conducts free weddings

    Amma conducts free weddings

    During Amritavarsham 70, Amma conducts free mass marriages for couples facing financial challenges.

  • Celebrating transformation, cultural heritage, and Amma’s impact

    Celebrating transformation, cultural heritage, and Amma’s impact

    34-year journey was celebrated with traditional rituals, music, and a focus on preserving cultural heritage.

  • Saukhyam receives Niti Aayog’s Women Transforming India Awards 2021

    Saukhyam receives Niti Aayog’s Women Transforming India Awards 2021

    Amma started the Saukhyam Reusable Pads project in 2017, so that women and girls have a much better product for menstrual hygiene under the Amrita SeRVe program. Today the initiative is a full-fledged social enterprise creating jobs and enhancing rural economies. Many health and education related problems women and girls face in low-income communities can…

  • AmritaSREE enters 17th year; ₹85 crore financial aid for COVID-19 relief

    AmritaSREE enters 17th year; ₹85 crore financial aid for COVID-19 relief

    Take up the reins of your life firmly in your own hands and move forward. This is the role model we should follow. Even though those people did not have much, they had the attitude to contribute

  • Remembering the path we have travelled – 30 years of love and gratitude at Amma’s orphanage

    Remembering the path we have travelled – 30 years of love and gratitude at Amma’s orphanage

    At a time when we witness a deterioration in basic human values, abiding in those very values you tried to share love and brotherhood among all. Children like you are Amma’s wealth and joy.

  • The Galupa homeland project launched Amma Australia

    The Galupa homeland project launched Amma Australia

    26 Sep 2019 – AmritaVarsham 66 The Galupa Homeland Project will assist young, vulnerable Indigenous women living in the Northern Territory of Australia. In collaboration with the nonprofit organisation “Traditional Cultural Practices” — the Project will connect young Indigenous women with local Yolngu elders. These elders will teach the young women traditional arts and inspire…

  • Giving drinking water- a turning point in life

    Giving drinking water- a turning point in life

    Thirty-one students from 14 Universities in Japan, from International Volunteers of University Student Association IVUSA, worked alongside 12 of Amrita University’s Masters of Social Work (MSW) students and faculty members to deploy clean drinking water filters in 31 flood-hit communities in the Kerala State districts of Alappuzha and Pathanamthitta, in February 2019. The effort was…

  • A sea of humanity comprising

    A sea of humanity comprising

    The Amrita SREE movement of SHGs seeks to empower women,by making them self-reliant.

  • Flood relief and overflowing compassion – Amritavarsham charitable projects

    Flood relief and overflowing compassion – Amritavarsham charitable projects

    27 September 2018, Amritapuri   The 65th Birthday Celebrations of Amma were focused on helping Kerala recover from the recent monsoon floods. Both Amma’s annual birthday address {news}, as well as several of the function’s charitable initiatives, were aimed at uplifting victims of the flood, which took the lives of nearly 500 people in August. Following…

  • Eye surgeries in Africa

    Eye surgeries in Africa

    June 2018 – Zambia, Kenya and Burkina Faso “I thought I would never see the wonders of this world again,” said one of the patients after a successful cataract surgery in Burkina Faso. Once again, medical practitioners from Spain joined with local ones in Africa to bring free eye surgeries to people living in poverty.…