Category: Festivals

  • Gita is not practiced to attain success through petty achievements but to make our life a big success

    Gita is not practiced to attain success through petty achievements but to make our life a big success

    We celebrate the birthday of the Bhagavad Gita – the words of the one who led the most glorious life, our Sri Krishna, as Gita Jayanthi, to ensure success in our lives.

  • Let us all become the change we desire in the world

    Let us all become the change we desire in the world

    Children, may your eyes melt with compassion. May your heads bow low with humility. May your hands be immersed in serving others. May your feet tread the path of dharma.

  • Increase our circle of compassion

    Increase our circle of compassion

    We have learned to fly like a bird and swim like a fish but have forgotten to walk and live like humans. Only when we realise this will our life become joyful.

  • Vishu celebrates humankind’s relationship with nature

    Vishu celebrates humankind’s relationship with nature

    A transformation should happen in man’s mind and ideology, in his perspective and actions. We should be able to live in harmony with the True Self, nature and God.

  • The whole of Vraj played tonight in Amritapuri

    The whole of Vraj played tonight in Amritapuri

    Amma started throwing Colored powder all around. It was flying everywhere. Amma then took and shot streams through the air – water landing all over the place – to more shouts of joy.

  • Siva is my very nature

    Siva is my very nature

    1st March 2022, Shivaratri Celebrations – Amritapuri Excerpts from Amma’s Shivaratri Message India is a land of countless religious festivals and celebrations. These festivals and celebrations support the social life of the people and increase their faith and ethical values. Among the festivals of Sanatana Dharma, one of the most important is Sivaratri.True Sivaratri means…

  • Change the attitude that you are separate from the world, and act with the knowledge

    Change the attitude that you are separate from the world, and act with the knowledge

    Try to do all your actions as an offering to God, and to accept their results as God’s will, with courage and determination. Incorporate selflessness into your life.

  • Our Neighbours are those we encounter in our day-to-day life

    Our Neighbours are those we encounter in our day-to-day life

    Love thy neighbour as thyself, Christ said. Being a good neighbour is a quality we should have in every circumstance and at every moment in life

  • Keep hope & use hardships to rise

    Keep hope & use hardships to rise

    Only when one gets a few blows in life does one learn to look within. It is when we experience tragedy that the wish to learn how to transcend sorrow.

  • Sivaratri leads us to bliss, oneness with God

    Sivaratri leads us to bliss, oneness with God

    11 March, 2021 – Shivaratri celebrations, Amritpuri Excerpts from Amma’s message on Shivaratri Sivaratri is the night that gives us supreme auspiciousness. Sivaratri is a celebration that combines spiritual austerities, renunciation, fasting, devotion and knowledge. By worshipping Lord Siva through all of these, we attain supreme auspiciousness. This means becoming one with God. Lord Siva…