Year: 2001

  • Kali In the kitchen

    Kali In the kitchen

    13 August 2001, AmritapuriThere was an eager crowd waiting for Mother after bhajans; that’s when She feeds and plays with Ram. But Ram was not to be seen. When Mother came, instead of walking to Her room, She took a left turn and strode into the big, new “industrial” kitchen. It was time for one…

  • Payasam for Pachyderm

    11 July 2001, Amritapuri Amma is not one of those people who say one thing and do another. You can count on it: if She tells Her children to do things a certain way, She will follow Her own directives. She models what She teaches. Take this evening when She was playing with Ram after…

  • Ever fresh

    Ever fresh

    9 August 2001, Amritapuri Bhajans sound different tonight. What is it?Oh, we hear only the delicate voices of women. No men. Few instruments. No Amma. Why is that? Because Amma is at the pool. Yes, at about five, She went over to the pool, welcoming all the women and children to accompany Her. Then, around…

  • Ram is growing up!

    5 August 2001,Amritapuri Mother is still playing with Ram the baby elephant after bhajans, but the scene is changing, because Ram is growing! He is much bigger and seems to have matured, not that he is old but he does seem to have more dignity and a certain bearing. Now the crowds who gather after…

  • Rakhi: its meaning and significance

    Rakhi: its meaning and significance

    Raksha Bandhan is a popular festival celebrated across the country. Irrespective of caste and creed people from all walks of life participate in this festival. It is celebrated on the full moon day of the lunar month Shravana (Shravana Poornima) which also coincides with Upa-karma (changing the sacred thread for the brahmins, Avani Avittom in…

  • Binoculars of love

    Binoculars of love

    3 August 2001, Amritapuri Have you ever watched Amma’s eyes while She is giving darshan? They seem to have the remarkable ability to be fully concentrated in two or even three directions at once: She will be connecting closely with the person She is holding (you know that feeling that shoots through you when Amma’s…

  • The notebook

    The notebook

    3 August 2001, Amritapuri Have you seen diligent devotees writing line after line, page after page, of fine, tiny script in a notebook? Then they take the notebooks to Mother, an offering of their sadhana (spiritual practice). It is a notebook filled, every inch of space covered, with mantras. A few days ago, there was…

  • The rainbow

    The rainbow

    31 July 2001, Amritapuri Ordinarily, there is not even a single cubic foot of empty space near Mother. There is something so delicious about being as close as possible to Mother that if there WERE a cubic foot of space, someone would fill it. But on Tuesday when Mother finished satsang and began to share…

  • The real thing

    30July 2001,Amritapuri Mother has been home barely a week, after Her six-week Japan/USA tour. Already She must have hugged nearly twenty thousand people. The very first day She was home – the sort of day when most of us would want to rest, unpack, get over jet lag, She came out and embraced many who…

  • Show behind the ‘Today’s Show’

    Show behind the ‘Today’s Show’

    10 July 2001, New York “Judith, why am I crying?” It was the voice of a camera person who had been filming the Today Show’s interview of Amma and Judith Cornell, author of Mother’s new biography, “Amma: Healing the Heart of the World”. She had just been hugged by Amma. Judith answered succinctly: “That’s no…