Month: July 2000

  • Ram’s temple darshan

    Ram’s temple darshan

    28 July 2000, AmritapuriIt seemed a day like any other here in Amritapuri i.e. a day full with Amma: Mother sat for meditation for a while, threw pebbles at a few sleepy meditators, then gave satsang for an hour or so. Then Amma began singing a bhajan: “He Giridhara Gopala!” She sang, and “Rrrrraaarrrgh!” came…

  • Kali puja on Karthika

    Kali puja on Karthika

    26 July 2000, Amritapuri On Wednesday 26 July, Amma’s Birthstar (Karthika) was celebrated with a Kali puja in the Kalari. The entire ashram had been decorated with garlands and lamps, and the Kalari itself was graced with traditional motifs (mandalas) and more lamps and garlands. The highlight of the ritual occurred during the singing of…

  • Legends of Ramanathapuram

    Sthala Puranas of Bharat Ramanathapuram—or Ramnad—is located approximately 50 kilometres from the island immortalized as “Rameswaram” after Sri Rama’s army built a bridge from it to Sri Lanka in order to rescue Sita from the demon king Ravana1 . But Ramnad is not only significant for its proximity to Rameswaram. It has a rich spiritual…

  • Realise who you are

    Question: “It is said that in the spiritual path one needs to have a Guru? Who is Amma’s Guru?” Amma: “As far as Amma is concerned, every object in the world is Her Guru. Guru and God are within every person. However as long as the ego is dominant, one fails to be aware of…

  • US Yatra 2000

    June-July 2000, US Cities Seattle, Washington Because of the ever-increasing number of people coming for the programmes both the public programmes and the retreat were held at the Embassy Suites Hotel, in the north of the city. On Saturday afternoon, after the meditation, Amma served dinner to every devotee and then sat at the table…

  • Light the lamp of Love

    Our lives should be filled with compassion. We should be ready to help the poor. No one is above fault. Whenever you see any faults in others, you should be ready to look within yourself. Then you will understand that all those faults can be found within yourself. If someone loses his temper, you should…