Magic in Sivaji Park

A traditional Maratha welcome to Amma

26 February, Sivaji Park, Dadar, Mumbai — Bharata Yatra 2010

Amma started her programmes in Mumbai with a public function in the famous Shivaji Park, located right in the heart of the city. Amma was greeted at the dais with the traditional Maharashtrian welcome — the sounding of horns followed by arati (the waving of lighted camphor) performed by five couples wearing traditional dresses.

Chief guest Mr. Chagan Bhujbal, Dep. Chief Minister of Maharastra, welcomed Amma on behalf of the people of the state. He said, “I know that after my speech I will go off the stage, but Amma will continue to sit here all night to meet the devotees one by one and give them darshan. I have been observing this for many years and over time I have wondered why so many people from different religions and regions come to Amma. It’s not that she does any magic – It is Amma’s healing touch, which feels like your own mother is holding you, kissing and blessing you that has drawn nearly 30 million people from 192 countries to her darshan over the years.

Unlike other saints who sit in the Himalayas and are found missing in times of need, Amma can be seen right in the midst of the situation, working for the suffering, wiping their tears, building homes, schools, hospitals, feeding the hungry, and rehabilitating entire communities. It happened after the Gujarat Earthquake, the Bihar floods, the Tsunami and the Vidharba famine. This noble act sets her apart from any other saint in our country.”

Bollywood actress Smt. Smita Jayakar also addressed the gathering: “Apart from Amma’s countless charitable activities, I admire that she is the “Hugging Mother”. Her divine hug sends us to a state of unconditional love, awakening our anahata (heart) chakra. When this happens the “Me & You” disappears, only oneness and unity prevail. This improves the quality of our thoughts and deeds.

Other guests who shared the dais with Amma were: Mr Yash Birla, Industrialist, Birla Group of Industries, Justice Radhakrishanan, Kishore Avarsekar, Chairman, Unity Infra projects, Bala Nandagaonkar, MLA, Dr Jagannath Rao Hegde, Ex-Sheriff of Mumbai, Udit Narayan, renowned playback singer.

Amma gave away 100 more free scholarships to disadvantaged children as part of MAM’s Vidyamritam project.

Five books in the local language of Marathi were released on the occasion: Amma’s biography (written in the Kadambari Style of Marathi), Amma’s inaugural address at the Vivekananda International Center in Delhi in 2009, Amma’s address at the Conference of Women spiritual and religious Leaders in Jaipur 2007, Amma’s address at the occasion of receiving the Cinema Variete prize in Paris 2007 and a Souvenir Book of Amma’s visit to Mumbai 2010.

The Mumbai programme truly was a dignified start for the Holi festival, which began at midnight, while Amma was continuing her darshan, hugging people from all over the world and all sectors of society, from the fields of politics, arts, science, religion, music, film, media, business and IT. It is this convergence of people from all walks of life that made the programme so unique and colourful.


Amma arrives at Sivaji park
Amma arrives at Sivaji park
A traditional Maratha welcome to Amma
A traditional Maratha welcome to Amma
Sumangali doing arati as part of Maratha welcome
Sumangali doing arati as part of Maratha welcome
Mr Yash Birla, Industrialist, Birla Group of Industries
Mr Yash Birla, Industrialist, Birla Group of Industries
A view of the dais
A view of the dias
Smt Smita Jayakar, Bollywood actress receiving Amma's blessings
Smt Smita Jayakar, Bollywood actress receiving Amma’s blessings
Chagan Bhujbal, Dep. Chief Minister, helping Amma distribute Vidyamritam scholarship
Chagan Bhujbal, Dep. Chief Minister, helping Amma distribute Vidyamritam scholarship
Chagan Bhujbal, Dep. Chief Minister, helping Amma distribute Vidyamritam scholarship
Chagan Bhujbal, Dep. Chief Minister, helping Amma distribute Vidyamritam scholarship
Smita Jayakar helping Amma distribute the Vidyamritam scholarships
Smita Jayakar helping Amma distribute the Vidyamritam scholarships
A Vidyamritam scholarship recipient with her mother
A Vidyamritam scholarship recipient with her mother
Chagan Bhujbal, Dep. Chief Minister, addressing the gathering
Chagan Bhujbal, Dep. Chief Minister, addressing the gathering
Book release: Jagan Mata
Book release: Jagan Mata
Book release: Atma Sakthi
Book release: Atma Sakthi
Book release: Streetwachi
Book release: Streetwachi
Book release: Karuna
Book release: Karuna
Book release: Souvenir
Book release: Souvenir
Darshan: Bliss
Darshan: Bliss
Darshan: Thanks
Darshan: Thanks
Darshan: Happy
Darshan: Happy