23 Aug 2019, Amritapuri
As part of Janmashtami celebrations (Sri Krishna’s birthday), devotees participated in GoPuja (worship of cows) and Nagara Sankeertanam (Chanting of the Divine name) at Amritapuri Ashram this morning.
Later in the afternoon, there was Uriyadi (a traditional game where a pot filled with curd and butter is broken). As Amma came to the front of the temple steps, three Brahmani kites followed and could be seen circling in the area. Brahmani kites are considered to be an auspicious sign.

Amma was sitting on the ashram steps, waching her children playing Uriyadi, she said “Pot is the ego. You have to break it. Then only, you will get the butter of life.”
There were a lot of children dressed as baby Krishnas who came to sit on Amma’s lap. Amma played with them and fed them butter.
Children of the ashram also presented a vibrant dance.

In the evening, Amma sang a set of Krishna bhajans. Late into the night, there was Bhagavatam reading, and when the clock struck midnight, Amma gave butter and honey to the statue of baby Krishna before leading another series of energetic bhajans. Afterwards, Amma delivered her message. {read from here }
Amma distributed prasad to all present before returning to her room at 1:30 AM.