Monday, September 27, 2004 — Amritapuri

Shri. Oommen Chandy, the Honorable Chief Minister of Kerala, officially inaugurated the Amrita Ayurveda Medical Hospital today, as part of Amma’s 51st Birthday Celebrations.
Speaking at the occasion, Swami Amritaswarupananda, said that Amma’s envisioned the college as an institution that would merge the modern and the ancient: “Not only will this 250-bed medical college help preserve India’s holistic tradition, assuring that the profound knowledge of the ancient rishis continues to be passed down to future generations, but—through the use of scientifically documented research—it will also pave the way for the ancient science’s acceptance by the mainstream medical community.
“The need of the hour is the creation of well-trained professionals who can take up the challenge of applying the ancient principles of Ayurvedic medicine to the chronic health problems plaguing the modern world.
Being situated so close to the Ashram, the college campus is bathed in Amma’s divine energy. In such a serene atmosphere, the holistic vision of health envisioned by Ayurveda—the healing of not just the mind and body but also the spirit—can easily be attained. The Gurukula system upon which Ayurvedic education is founded can be reawakened.
Housed on a 25-acre campus just across the backwaters from the Amritapuri Ashram, the 250-bed college will offer eight disciplines, including gynecology. It also will be equipped laboratories, an extensive library and two operation theaters.