Summit Resolutions & Initiatives
The CEOs came up with a list of Resolutions, which they then presented to President Kalam. They also sponsored five PURA communities. Amma, the President, and the heads of the Hinduja Group and Sycamore Networks also agreed to come together to launch a Leadership Institute.
26 September 2003
Following the President’s talk, a 2020 Leadership Institute was launched by Amma and the President, together with two dignitaries: Shri. S.P. Hinduja (Hinduja Group), and Shri. Gururaj Deshpande (Sycamore Networks). Subsequently, five Summit participants agreed to take responsibility for initiating PURA in their respective hometowns. It was even suggested by one business leader that the PURA scheme be renamed Amrita-PURA!
Next, “blueprints for the future” were presented by the Hinduja Group, Shri. Sabeer Bhatia (founder, Hotmail) and Shri. Rajan Mittal (director, AirTel). And three companies’ senior executives came forward to declare: “Whatever help is required, take it as given.” These companies were Intel (India), Microsoft (India) and Hewlett Packard (USA).
Then on behalf of all the corporate leaders, Dr. C.K. Prahalad, distinguished management expert and senior professor at Michigan University, presented the CEO Summit’s Resolutions to President Kalam:
- The President’s India2020 vision is feasible, and a fundamental necessity in order to mobilise efforts for the entire Indian Family across the globe.
- It is directional and motivational, and a win-win strategy-win for the rich and win for the poor, win for India and win for the world.
- The intent of the Resolutions can be widely shared, with the potential to create the same energising moments as when man first landed on the moon.
- The poor must be connected with the rich. While the focus will be on rural as well as urban poor, rural poor will necessarily be given special attention.
- PURA allows for the expression, adaptation and implementation across a wide range of activities, and requires a deep commitment to entrepreneurship and innovation.
- Having defined certain critical milestones, the next step is their full engagement. Universal education is a top priority. India has 200 million graduates and 500 million skilled people.
- This tremendous opportunity is acknowledged. Learning to solve the problems of the poor in India provides the opportunity to solve the problem of the five-billion poor people in the world. Towards this, a knowledge base must be created because, historically, the scale and scope of this type of human innovation has never been attempted.
- By 2020, India shall be benchmarked by, rather than benchmarked against, others. This is an opportunity to create the “Next Practices.”
- This vision will necessarily be continuously reinterpreted, morphed and adapted, and will require the collective mobilisation of energies to locate and maintain a focal point. This Summit is a starting point, and a Core Group has been formed to initiate and implement the process.
In conclusion, Dr. C.K. Prahalad commented, “I have been in India many, many times, but I have not seen the type of enthusiasm that I have seen at the Amritavarsham50 Leadership Summit.”
The President expressed his happiness with the Core Group idea and vision of India cutting across borders. Unless poverty is removed globally, the President remarked, we may not get stability. He added in a lighter vein, “My term is up to 2007, and I have to market India 2020 by 2007. But today, I have got a big market share through the Amritavarsham50 CEO Summit!”