Balancing Life in Hong Kong

September 8th – 11th 2011, Hong Kong

Swami Ramakrishnananda Puri conducted three days of programs in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong’s sole Hindu Temple is located in the Happy Valley. The temple had a crowd of more than 200 to attend Swami Ramakrishnananda’s talk. After the talk, Swamiji began leading bhajans, with songs such as Dayakaro Tum, Git Nahi etc. One elderly gentlemen who was playing cymbals, came to Swamiji afterwards apologizing to him as had had been overcome by a feeling of the divine presence and was not able to continue playing the cymbals during the bhajans.

Br. Shantamrita Chaitanya led an IAM meditation retreat for students who were natives of Hong Kong, Taiwan or Mainland China in a beautiful complex in Hong Kong. People of all walks of life attended retreat.

Later, several hundred attendees participated in Swami Ramakrishnananda’s satsangs, IAM Meditation techniques by Br. Shantamrita Chaitanya, and two presentations made at the Cathay Pacific corporate headquarters. Swami Ramakrishnananda gave talks about Wisdom and Balance in Daily Life. Following his talk, Br. Shantamrita Chaitanya gave a short demonstration of the IAM Technique. His presentation included a detailed comparison of IAM’s benefits to the ones described by ancient Chinese scriptures.
