Tag: compassion

  • Embracing Compassion: the transformational journey of Athira

    Embracing Compassion: the transformational journey of Athira

    10 May 2024, Amritapuri Ashram In the verdant landscape of Amritapuri, a beacon of hope shines brightly at Amma’s Ashram. Among those touched by this light is Athira, whose early life was marked by hardship and loss. Orphaned at a young age due to her father’s passing and her mother’s severe illness, Athira’s future seemed…

  • AmritaSREE enters 17th year; ₹85 crore financial aid for COVID-19 relief

    AmritaSREE enters 17th year; ₹85 crore financial aid for COVID-19 relief

    Take up the reins of your life firmly in your own hands and move forward. This is the role model we should follow. Even though those people did not have much, they had the attitude to contribute

  • Remodel our education system  with the vision of Bharat

    Remodel our education system with the vision of Bharat

    Education should spread light within and without, instil awareness and strengthen the deep bond between the student and his nation, the world, his fellow human beings and other creatures, Nature and God.

  • Seek, and you will find. But our seeking is all external

    Seek, and you will find. But our seeking is all external

    We are told to wake up to our own True Self, and to arise and use the strength and potential within us. It means to become strong and self-reliant.

  • Spirituality is Compassion in action

    Spirituality is Compassion in action

    True spirituality is compassion in action – it begins and culminates in compassion. If we could transform compassion from a mere word into a path of action, we would be able to solve 90% of the world’s humanitarian problems.

  • The sorrows of old age

    The sorrows of old age

    May the sorrows of old age melt in the light of youth’s love

  • A thousand pilgrimages = presence of the  Master

    A thousand pilgrimages = presence of the Master

    It may be difficult, but we need to keep trying. Even if we fail a hundred times, even a single victory is a big victory. We may fail a test multiple times, but once we finally pass it, we need not take the test ever again.

  • Take little, give more

    Take little, give more

    Even while experiencing hunger, they thought about other’s pain. Even while experiencing pain, they were able to show compassion to other beings. This was the nature of our forefathers. In the village where Amma grew up, 90% of the people lived off daily wages. Whatever they would earn on a particular day, they would spend…

  • Things won’t work if we wait for others to change. Be The Change

    Things won’t work if we wait for others to change. Be The Change

    Even if they do not change, we should be willing to change

  • It is in giving that we receive

    It is in giving that we receive

    the importance of employing a spiritual approach in checking global warming