Happy Birthday, Amritapuri.org!

14 April 2006

It’s hard to believe, but Amritapuri.org is having another birthday! It was six years ago this Vishu that the Mothersite first appeared on the Internet.

Upon waking up or entering the office, people throughout the world immediately log on to Amritapuri.org. The site is currently receiving more than 100,000 visitors every day, and some people have told us that they bought their computer simply to be able to avail themselves of the site. Nothing makes our hearts feel warmer. Spreading the glory of our Amma and helping our brothers and sisters who cannot be with Amma physically to keep abreast of everything going on around her are our only aims.

Baby elephant Ram coming to the Ashram in 2000… Amma’s satsangs and jokes… her dances on Onam… Amma’s addresses at the UN… the tsunami and Amma’s visits to the relief camps… the worldwide yatras… her recent celebration of Holi…

The fact that we were able to share such precious moments with all of you means so much to us. The truth is Amma’s personality is so rich and multifaceted that it is impossible to capture it fully. To whatever extent we have succeeded we owe to Her Grace alone.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who have helped foster Amritapuri.org over the years–writers, designers, programmers, those who have provided technical support and advice, those who have written comments via email  and those who’ve caught our mistakes. We truly thank you for your loving service to Amma.

We are also happy to tell you that a site in Malayalam, Amma’s mother tongue, will soon be launched. Those of you who know the language will finally be able to regularly read Amma’s words in their full spirit and punch!

We pray for Amma’s grace and your continued support.

@ Her Lotus Feet
The Web Team

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