Amma in Trissur

Amma giving Satsang in Trissur

20 -21 April, Trissur — Bharata Yatra 2010

In the two days of the annual Brahmasthanam festival in Trissur, thousands of devotees came to receive Amma’s embrace, hear her soothing words and soul-stirring bhajans, and partake in the group puja functions. As the sun above pounded down the heat on everyone, Amma showered the coolness and sweetness of her presence in everyone’s heart.

Amma sang many old bhajans along with a few newer ones. Her satsang stressed values in society, the importance of dispassion, and warned of Kerala’s dependence on intoxicants.

Amma’s humanitarian efforts played a part in the programs. During the first night’s evening program, scholarships were awarded to dozens of children. This was part of the ashram’s ‘Vidyamritam’, which seeks to relieve growing suicide rates in Kerala by providing free educational scholarships to the poor.

Working capital was also distributed to several members of the ‘Amrita self-help’ groups. This charity seeks to train and enable women and poor villagers in a trade, by which they may become self-sufficient.

The children of Amrita Vidyalayam school displayed Trissur’s rich cultural heritage with dances, dramas, and speeches by young students.

– Kannadi

Amma giving Satsang in Trissur
Amma giving Satsang in Trissur
Amma in Trissur
Amma with devotees
Darshan: reflecting
Darshan: reflecting
Amrita Vidyalayam children singing bhajans
Amrita Vidyalayam children singing bhajans
Amma giving away Vidyamritam educational scholarships to poor students
Amma giving away Vidyamritam educational scholarships to poor students
Amma giving darshan
Students of Amrita Speech and Hearing Improvement school performing a dance for Amma
Students of Amrita Speech and Hearing Improvement school performing a dance for Amma
Darshan: reverence
Darshan: reverence
Folk dance by an Amrita Vidyalayam kid
Folk dance by an Amrita Vidyalayam kid
Dance by Amrita Vidyalayam children
Dance by Amrita Vidyalayam children
Dance by Amrita Vidyalayam children
Dance by Amrita Vidyalayam children
A mime by Amrita Vidyalayam children
A mime by Amrita Vidyalayam children
Folk dance by an Amrita Vidyalayam child
Folk dance by an Amrita Vidyalayam child
Dance by Amrita Vidyalayam children
Dance by Amrita Vidyalayam children
Dance by Amrita Vidyalayam children
Dance by Amrita Vidyalayam children
Dance by Amrita Vidyalayam children
Dance by Amrita Vidyalayam children
Amma singing bhajas in Trissur
Devotees participating in the Puja
Participating in the Puja
Participating in puja
Participating in puja

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