15 Aug 2017, Independence Day celebrations, Amritapuri
India’s Independence day was celebrated today in Amritapuri. To begin the celebrations, Amma helped raise the Indian flag and all gathered around to salute it while the national anthem was played.
Remarking on the occasion, Amma said ‘It’s not enough to simply wave a flag, everyone has to love their country, and should have the love for their motherland.
All the nations of the world are just created by us.
We have a role to play and a dharma towards our country.
When you have an expansive mind, you will never invade or exploit another nation. We have to develop love and compassion for this awareness to grow.
Even though our country became free, are we really free from the clutches of our mind?
Let’s consider two birds living in a cage. They get good food and water in time. Also, they mutually share stories and love. But they lose the freedom of flying in the open sky.
For a spiritual aspirant, real freedom is the freedom from likes and dislikes.’
Amma concluded by wishing that ‘May Dharma be victorious in every country.”