Amma’s ashrams, satsang groups & institutes to join in world peace Prayer

16 September 2004 — Amritapuri

As Tuesday, the 21st of September draws nearer, Mata Amritanandamayi Math has begun to coordinate thousands of gatherings around the planet for world peace.

Amma’s hundreds of thousands of devotees from around the world will offer their day’s spiritual practices for the cause of world peace, and all of Amma’s satsang groups-from virtually every country in the world-will come together for a few hours to pray for the peace and happiness of all beings. Amma’s 50 Amritavidyalayam schools, the four campuses of Amrita University, the computer institutes, hospitals and branch ashrams will also observe the hallowed occasion.

Amma’s satsang groups and branch ashrams will chant Amma’s dhyana sloka and the Sri Lalita Sahasranama. At 12:00 noon, they will spend one minute in silent prayer. They will then light an oil lamp or candle and chant the mantra “om lokah samastah sukhino bhavanthu” 18 times. The gatherings will conclude with the chanting of “om shantih shantih shantih.”

Faculty and students of Amma’s educational institutions throughout India will join in the moment of silence followed by the chanting of “lokah samastah.” Pujaris at Amritapuri and the Math’s 18 Brahmasthanam Temples will conduct special homas for world peace and harmony.

At Amritapuri, Amma will join the ashram’s 2,000 residents for meditation, whereupon everyone will participate in the minute-long prayer. Amma will also give a short message about world peace. There will also be a special ceremony involving the banyan sapling from Amritavarsham50, which Amma and the President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, watered with sacred waters from 191 nations.

To find out what is happening in your area, contact your nearest branch ashram or satsang group.

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