Amrita ISRO – VRC centers

The centers below are connected via satellite network at present. The President of India APJ Abdul Kalam will lauch this on 6th july 2005. (News)

Tsunami effected areas:

Srayikkad: Srayikkad in Alappad Panchayat of Kollam district: Tsunami affected costal place in Kerala where 142 people lost their lives. Located in the rural settings, at a distance of 150 kms from Cochin, medical and psychatric consultancy is the need of the hour for the local population. For the last 6 months, Amrita has been engaging in extensive relief activity in the region. The Amrita – ISRO VRC at is offering psychiatric and medical consultations to women, children and other affected people with the medical doctors, Psychatrists and specialists at AIMS, hospital. This facility also supports the fisherman community substantially by providing them the right information to enhance the fishing productivity. The GPS enabled fishing boats helps them to navigate and reach the zones specified by the VRC services.

Nagapattinam: VRC has been setup in Nagapattinam when thousands lost their lives in the recent TSUNAMI. This facility supports the fisherman community substantially by providing them the right information to enhance the fishing productivity. The GPS enabled fishing boats helps them to navigate and reach the zones specified by the VRC services.


Amrita Kripa Charitable Hospital, Amritapuri: 20 bed charitable hospital providing free medical care to nearly 30,000 people of coastal belt in Kollam district. Specialized medical care is virtually non-existent for the rural masses. The villagers have to travel more than 13 kilometers for operations. The Tele-medicine of the Amrita –ISRO VRC enables to provide specialized medical care from the AIMS hospital at Kochi.

Amrita Kripa Charitable Hospital, Kalpetta: A charitable hospital located in Wayanad, one of the most underdeveloped and tribal districts of Kerala providing free medical treatment and medicines.  Basic and specialized medical care is virtually non-existent for the rural masses and Tele-medicine of the Amrita –ISRO VRC enables to provide basic and specialized medical care to be provided from the AIMS hospital at Kochi.


Amrita Vidyalayam, Orphanage Paripally: A higher secondary Orphanage School imparting education to nearly 2500 students in Kollam district, Kerala. The Amrita –ISRO VRC at this center acts as a Tele-education facility that helps students to develop skills by getting specilaized  training on communication skills and presentation skills from the classes of the competent faculty from the Amrita School of Business of our Coimbatore campus.

Amrita Vidyalayam, Puthiyakavu: Act as a local hub for providing training and information for the local populace on opportunities and marketability of the local products.

Amrita Vidyalayam, Mananthavady: Amrita Vidyalayam located in the hill station of Wayanad, is a nodal centre for delivery of various tele services including education, medicine and agriculture.  Situatated in a Agricultural geographical environment the inputs on under ground water resources, soil pattern and other critical information are vital for the farmers. These consultations would be provided from the School of environmental Sciences of Amrita University through the Amrita –ISRO VRC Center.

Amrita Vidyalayam, Ettimadai: Rural village with a total population of nearly 10,000 people were the VRC can act as a catalyst for employment generation and economic development.

Expert Centers

AIMS, Kochi: Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi, a 1,300 bed super specialty hospital  acts as the expert centre for tele-health care services to a remote places like Lakshadweep,, Leh,  Andaman and Nicobhar Islands, Sabarimala and many other such locations.

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Ettimadai, Coimbatore: With the objective of education for achieving societal transformation, Mata Amritanandamayi Math started an engineering college in Ettimadai, Coimbatore in 1994. Now this has grown into a network of higher educational institutions offering courses in engineering, information technology, management, medicine, nursing, dentistry, biotechnology, pharmacy, journalism and visual media studies. 2 years ago, the Deemed University status was conferred on Amrita. The University campus at Ettimadai will act as the expert center for providing tele-education.

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