Brahmasthanam temple in Trissur

20 March 2005

The construction of Brahmasthanam temple in Trissur

Amma will inaugurate Her 18th Brahmasthanam Temple, conducting the stupika pratishtha on 9 April from 8:30 to 9:00 a.m. and the murti pratishtha on 10 April from 6:20 to 6:30 a.m.

The new temple is located at Amma’s ashram in Ayyantol, Trissur, approximately 180 kilometres north of Amritapuri. Trissur is considered as the cultural capital of Kerala, famous for its temple elephants and festival celebrations.

Preparatory ceremonies will stars on 5th April, tuesday, evening. Covering, offerings at the major temple at the neighbourhood, Vastushanti, Vastubali, Ganapati homa, Sudharshana homa, Mrityunjaya homa, Tila homa, Navagraha Homa, Pujas, Detailed Bimbashodhanas, Jalaadhivaasa, Praasaada shudhi, Kalasha pujas and so on.

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