She is still whispering

16 May, 2001, Amritapuri

Today, the 16th of May, is the last scheduled public darshan before Mother leaves for the six-week US Tour.

Amma gives darshan

Mother came to the temple shortly after ten in the morning, and it is now nearly seven in the evening, bhajans should be in full swing, but they aren’t, for still the temple is crammed full and Amma is sitting just where She has been for the past nine hours, hugging Her children. Seven thousand tokens on a Wednesday. After 16,000 on Devi bhava? That’s right. That’s Amritapuri before a foreign tour.

Ten minutes later: Bhajans are in full swing. But a certain voice is missing. It is whispering in ears, “My darling daughter,” or “My darling son.”

When Bhajans were over it was 8 o’clock. Having just finished giving a few babies their first solid food – Annaprash, Amma was returning to Her room…

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