UN’s Peace Day celebrated

Peace for a day
On the occasion of the UN’s International Peace Day on September 21st 2008, AYUDH groups worldwide connected via the internet to pray for world peace and harmony. At 9am Amritapuri time the connection was launched between youth from India, America, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Poland and Finland. After a very hearty and happy greeting the youngsters chanted 108 times “Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu” – “May all beings in all worlds be happy.”
“It was so nice to start the day with this feeling of togetherness, feeling the peace inside, which was created by the mantras” said one of the participants.

The goal of the UN Peace-One-Day is to establish one day a year where there is ceasefire, where everyone works towards establishing world peace, through their prayers, words and deeds. Just like Amma sings in one of her recent English songs: “There should be one day where there is no violence, no one is injured, no one is harmed” May Ammas prayer become reality soon – at least for one day.

— Das

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