Amrita Santhulam: low cost balance trainer for rehabilitating neuro patients

27 Sep 2014, Amritapuri
Amritavarsham61, Amma’s birthday celebrations

The Amrita Santhulam (Balance trainer), is a low cost rehabilitation system for the elderly patients suffering from stroke, Parkinson’s, peripheral neuropathy, diabetes, post ankle sprain and similar morbidities which cause impaired static and dynamic balance in the human body. This was launched on the occasion of Amma’s 61st birthday celebrations, developed by Ammachi Labs of Amrita University and the Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Dept at Amrita Hospital. Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan, Minister of Forest, Transport & Environment unveiled this equipment.

The balance training system will motivate the patients to perform repetitive rehabilitation exercises through games offering the functionality to simulate real world scenarios. The system provides audio and visual feedback to the patients balance while performing an activity like brushing their teeth or fastening a button. This is an innovative approach in addressing the patient’s ailment. Doctors can analysis their patient’s therapy progress with immediate feedback.

An advanced balance analyzer software program running in the background provides the doctor/therapist with information on the patient’s progress of therapy in a qualitative fashion.