Green initiative launched in St. Petersburg

Inspired by Amma’s words that “each and every person on this planet should play their part in restoring harmony to Nature”, the group of Amma’s devotees from St. Petersburg, Russia, has launched a green initiative to help the local botanical garden.

Established in 1714, the garden is home to 7.5 thousand kinds of plants from all over the world. It is also a rare green spot in the midst of a big city where its residents can get some fresh air and relax. The garden however does not get enough funding from the State to take care of its vast territory.

Amma’s devotees saw this as an opportunity to serve the society and at the same time to strengthen their bond with Mother Nature. Activities that have already been undertaken include raking up fallen leaves, cultivating the soil, weeding the plants, etc.

Working in the beautiful surroundings of the Botanical Garden, the volunteers feel joy and a sense of fulfillment, restoring harmony both outside and inside. Just as Amma says, “This relationship with Nature will give us a new vitality.”

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