28 May 2011, Slovenia
Br. Shubamrita was invited as a guest speaker at the University of Maribor, Slovenia.
His talk was held as part of a Cultural Festival and Symposium, entitled HARMONY AMONG CULTURES – Paths to Intercultural Dialogue. The Conference was organized by the University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, the Center for Intercultural Cooperation with Countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America, the UNESCO and the Embassy of India.

In his talk, Br. Shubamrita vividly described how eastern and western philosophies can complement each other to create greater harmony and understanding amongst cultures. He outlined how Amma’s life and teachings stand as an example of true inter-religious dialogue and respect for all traditions and faiths.
Prof. Dragan Potocnik, the main organizer of the event, remarked after the speech that Br. Shubamrita’s talk marked for him the highlight of the cultural festival and was hopefully the starting point for further collaborations in the field of education and culture.